- laid heads togetherv. 聚在一起商量
- We'd better lay our heads together before we draw a conclusion. 在下结论之前我们最好是一起讨论讨论。
- Let's lay our heads together to see which of the plans is better. 大家合计一下,看哪个方案比较好。
- They laid their heads together,and devised a plan for robbing the bank. 他们一起密谋策划,制定了抢劫银行的行动计划。
- They laid their heads together, and devised a plan for robbing the bank. 他们一起密谋策划,制定了抢劫银行的行动计划。
- Lay your heads together and see if you can think out a scheme. 你们在一起商量一下,看能不能想出办法来。
- They tunked their heads together. 他们的头碰到了一起。
- We put our heads together and formed a plan. 我们在一起商量了一下,订出了一个计划。
- If we put our heads together we can probably thresh out a workable scheme. 如果我们集思广益,也许能琢磨出一个切实可行的方案。
- The members of the Welfare Association laid their heads together and decided to have a picnic on Teacher's Day. 福利委员会委员们商量的结果是,决定教师节那一天要举办郊游。
- You should knock their silly heads together. 你应设法使他们明白事理。
- Let's put our heads together and see how to do it. 大家来想办法。
- What's to be done? Let's put our heads together. 怎么办? 大家来出出点子。
- You two had better put your heads together about the matter. 你们两人最好商量一下这件事。
- If only the leaders would put their heads together we might find a way out of our difficulties. 只要领导人群策群力,我们会找到克服困难的办法的。
- If they would put their heads together, they would find ways to tide over the difficulty. 如果他们集思广益,他们就能找到渡过困难的办法。
- She grabbed them both by the hair and knocked their heads together. 她抓住他俩的头发使他们不再吵了。
- We must put our heads together and decide what to do. 我们必须一起商量一下,决定怎么办?
- I'm sure we can solve the problem if we all put our heads together. 我相信,只要我们集思广益,就能解决问题。
- Yeah. Let's put our heads together and see if we can do something. 是啊,我们大家都动动脑筋想想办法。