- Now are you willing to lay down your life for your friends? 现在你愿意为了你的朋友们舍去你的生命吗?
- Then Jesus answered," Will you really lay down your life for me? I tell you the truth, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times! 耶稣说,你愿意为我舍命么。我实实在在的告诉你,鸡叫以先,你要三次不认我。
- Then Jesus answered, "Will you really lay down your life for me? I tell you the truth, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times! 耶稣说,你愿意为我舍命吗?我实实在在地告诉你,鸡叫以先,你要三次不认我。
- laid down your life forv. 献出 ... 的生命
- The martyr laid down his life for the country. 先烈为国捐躯。
- He laid down his life for the cause of freedom. 他为自由的事业献出了生命
- He laid down his life for the revolution. 他为革命而牺牲性命。
- He laid down his life for his country. 他为国捐躯了。
- The hero laid down his life for the victory of the battle. 这位英雄为了战斗的胜利献出了生命。
- I would have laid down my life for him with pleasure. 那时,我可以愉快地为他献出生命。
- Lay down your arms and we'll spare your lives! 缴枪不杀!
- Fulfil your mission or, failing that, lay down your life. 不成功,便成仁。
- The martyr laid down his life for the cause of national independence. 这位烈士是为了民族独立的事业而献身的。
- Some of them even laid down their precious lives for our cause. 他们有些人甚至为我们的事业献出了自己宝贵的生命。
- Many of them even laid down their precious lives for our cause. 他们中的许多人甚至为我们的事业献出了自己宝贵的生命。
- 38 Jesus answered, Will you lay down your life for Me? Truly, truly, I say to you, A rooster shall by no means crow until you deny Me three times. 约十三38耶稣回答说,你愿意为我舍命么?我实实在在地告诉你,鸡叫以前,你要三次不认我。
- Nobody is going to prioritize your life for you. 没有人会为你把你的生命。
- You will pay with your life for that! 我要你拿命来偿还!
- If it's not worth risking your life for, what is? 如果这不是你的生活价值那什么才是呢?
- The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 好牧人为羊舍命。