- Usually neglect of sludge regulation. 污泥监管被普遍忽略。
- lagooning of sludge 污泥池蓄处理
- The lagoon of Venice alone receives the effluents of.76 factories. 他们所带来的危害不亚于生活污水对海洋的危害。
- There is a lot of sludge in pedosphere of Tianjin Area. 天津地区表土层中广泛分布着较厚的淤泥类土。
- A lot of sludge was scooped out of the base of the river. 从河底中挖出了许多淤泥。
- The8 lagoon of Venice alone receives the9 effluents of.76 factories. 单单是威尼斯的水道就接收了76间工厂的工业污水。
- Water quality and collection of sludge on the bottom of the pond. 水质问题,池底污染。
- The above data could vary as per differences of sludge contents. 资料因现场污泥成分不同而有所变化。
- Sewage treatment plants conveying for all types of sludges. 污水处理厂中,各种淤泥输送。
- A second method of sludge disposal is digestion by anaerobic bacteria. 污泥处置的第二个方法,是用厌气细菌消化。
- From a sea-level terraces formed a small sea lagoon of Lake Quaternary deposits. 由一条海成一级阶地形成,属小海泻湖湖岸第四纪堆积物。
- The Venice Lagoon of Italy is a big shallow lagoon in the northwestern Adriatic Sea. 意大利威尼斯泻湖是亚得里亚海西北部的一个大型浅水泻湖。
- Because of the accumulation of sludge over a long period, a delta formed here. 由于河流的长期冲积,这里形成了一个三角洲地带。
- Abundant giant clams and branching corals thrive on the patch reefs in the lagoon of Millennium Atoll. 意译:现在海洋图片画廊。丰富的巨大的蛤和分支珊瑚旺盛在其修补暗礁在泻湖的千年环状珊瑚礁。
- A girdle of islands enclosed the lagoon. 一环小岛围绕著礁湖。
- Integrity of the atolls, including the reefs around the ring, the middle of the lagoon and diving in the lagoon of several coral islands. 发育完整的环礁,包括四周的礁环、中间的潜水泻湖和泻湖里的几个珊瑚岛组成。
- An island reef of northeast Italy separating the lagoon of Venice from the Adriatic Sea. The town of Lido,at the northern end of the island,is a fashionable resort. 利多意大利东北部的一个礁岛,把威尼斯泻湖与亚得里亚海隔开。位于该岛北端的小镇利多是受欢迎的旅游胜地。
- An island reef of northeast Italy separating the lagoon of Venice from the Adriatic Sea.The town of Lido, at the northern end of the island, is a fashionable resort. 利多意大利东北部的一个礁岛,把威尼斯泻湖与亚得里亚海隔开。位于该岛北端的小镇利多是受欢迎的旅游胜地
- We Select the imported filter press, the water content of sludge cake is less than 60%. 进口压滤机械,污泥含水率比一般设备要减少60%25。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?