- lacrimation lachrymation 流泪
- Concentrations of 10 ppm can be endured for only a few minutes and cause profuse lacrimation in all people. 10ppm的浓度,只需几分钟,就会使所有的人流泪不止。
- Bronchial carcinoid tumors may be manifested by severe and prolonged flushing episodes, facial and periorbital edema, excessive lacrimation, salivation, tachycardia, and hypotension. 支气管类癌综合征可以表现为严重的长时间的潮红、面部和眶周水肿、过度流泪、心动过速或低血压。
- His left limbs, face is numb, left eye lacrimation, fatigue, difficulty ambulating without significant causes. No weight loss, no change of appetite. Poor sleep pattern. No lymadenopathy. 左侧肢体脸部、嘴角麻木,左眼流泪、乏力,行走困难,无明显诱因。体重未减,饮食正常,睡眠较差,无淋巴结肿大。
- run with tears; have watery eyes; lacrimation 流泪
- in 34 eyes lacrimation still existed. 34只眼仍然溢泪。
- in 86 eyes lacrimation was improved; 86只眼溢泪症状减轻;
- salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation 流延、流泪、排尿、排便
- Epiphora due to excess lacrimation 泪溢由于过度流泪
- i want to find a noiseless place and cry , but no lachrymation. 今天晚上喝了几瓶啤酒都没什么感觉的,真的想知道醉酒是怎么一种滋味,难道醉酒后真的可以忘掉一切烦恼吗?
- I never knew that the romance between one couple could be a lacrimation; 我从来不知道两个人的浪漫可以变成这么强大的催泪弹;
- Till,spend gently serious respiratory tract symptom, include cough, sneeze mixes a large number of lachrymation; 轻度直至严重的呼吸道症状,包括咳嗽、打喷嚏和大量流泪;
- Clinical analysis of encapsulated filtering bleb and lacrimation after trabeulectomy with paracentisis 包裹性滤泡及结膜下房水积存导致溢泪症的临床分析
- Martial toxic injury, excitant toxic causes burn to prickle when eye ministry is toxic, a large number of lachrymation reach palpebral convulsion; 军事毒剂伤、刺激性毒剂眼部中毒时引起烧灼刺痛,大量流泪及眼睑痉挛;
- Clinical features of Sick fowl are listlessness, inappetence, eye closure and sopor, mouth breathing, cough, grunting, swollen face, lachrymation,cockscomb lean; 病禽临床表现为精神萎糜、食欲不振、闭目昏睡、张口呼吸、咳嗽、呼噜、肿脸、流泪、鸡冠侧倒;
- 4.Clinical features of Sick fowl are listlessness, inappetence, eye closure and sopor, mouth breathing, cough, grunting, swollen face, lachrymation,cockscomb lean; 病禽临床表现为精神萎糜、食欲不振、闭目昏睡、张口呼吸、咳嗽、呼噜、肿脸、流泪、鸡冠侧倒;
- 7.Clinical features of Sick fowl are listlessness, inappetence, eye closure and sopor, mouth breathing, cough, grunting, swollen face, lachrymation,cockscomb lean; 病禽临床表现为精神萎糜、食欲不振、闭目昏睡、张口呼吸、咳嗽、呼噜、肿脸、流泪、鸡冠侧倒;
- 6.Clinical features of Sick fowl are listlessness, inappetence, eye closure and sopor, mouth breathing, cough, grunting, swollen face, lachrymation,cockscomb lean; 病禽临床表现为精神萎糜、食欲不振、闭目昏睡、张口呼吸、咳嗽、呼噜、肿脸、流泪、鸡冠侧倒;
- 1.Clinical features of Sick fowl are listlessness, inappetence, eye closure and sopor, mouth breathing, cough, grunting, swollen face, lachrymation,cockscomb lean; 病禽临床表现为精神萎糜、食欲不振、闭目昏睡、张口呼吸、咳嗽、呼噜、肿脸、流泪、鸡冠侧倒;
- lachrymationn. 流泪