- I bought a dress with golden lace trim. 我买了条有金色花边装饰的裙子。
- Stretch Lace and Scallop Lace trim bell sleeved sleepwear chemise with removable shoulder straps and matching thong. 蕾丝睡衣2件一套:露肩弹性篓空蕾丝长袖连身衣+内裤,弹性网质布料,有精致花纹,肩带可调整和取下
- PURE SILK PAJAMA SET With sexy Lace trim on button-down shirt, and along the cuffs of our amply cut drawstring pants. 时尚蚕丝睡衣2件一套:妳还在等什麽?快快穿上这件简约设计、时尚的上衣及浪漫蕾丝缀饰衣袖及长裤裤管,为妳的魅力加分。蚕丝布质,柔顺舒适。
- Dot Mesh and Stretch Lace trim sleepwear babydoll with front and back shirring details. Includes matching thong. 梦幻小女神点点连身裙2件一套:低胸连身裙+内裤,弹性蕾丝布质,小圆点薄纱样式设计。有大尺码。
- This includes outer fabric, padding, fillings and linings as well as accessories such as zips, buttons, straps, lace trim, sewing thread, foam filling etc. 这包括外部织物、垫料、填料、衬料,以及配料如拉链、钮扣、蝴蝶结、花边、缝线和泡沫填料等。
- SILK KNIT AND STRETCH LACE CAMISOLE &BOY SHORT SET Cami has lace trim and adjustable straps; boy short is trimmed with stretch lace front and rear. 蚕丝浪漫花朵性感睡衣2件一套:蚕丝布料可爱性感的小女人睡衣,布料柔软有弹性,平口裤前后蕾丝花边更添浪漫风情。肩带可调整
- Lace trim around neck and sleeve opening 领周和袖口的花边一组
- semi-square neckline lace trim gown 半方形花边领口长衫
- CHARMEUSE AND LACE LONG GOWN With lace trimmed cups, low back with criss cross tie shoulder straps that tie down to a flowing train of scalloped lace and charmeuse. 性感睡衣:长裙,低背礼服式的设计,精美的蕾丝边,后面肩带可调整松紧并装饰
- To trim or decorate with or as if with lace. 装饰缀边用或好象用花边来装饰或点缀
- I like boots that lace up all the way to the top. 我喜欢带子一直能系到靴口的长筒靴。
- The seamstress ornamented the dress with lace. 女裁缝用花边来装饰衣服。
- Tell the gardener to trim up these flower beds. 让园丁把这些花圃修剪一下。
- I help him to lace up his boots. 我帮他系好靴子的鞋带。
- Her skirt has very exquisite lace. 她的裙子有非常精致的花边。
- The little boy can lace up his shoes. 这个小男孩会系鞋带。
- The crew is in trim for the boat-race. 船员们都准备就绪,等待比赛的开始。
- He wants some brown shoes with lace, size nine. 他想要棕色的第带鞋,9号的。
- She wears a dress with delicate lace. 她穿了一件带有精致花边的裙子。
- An athlete must never get out of trim. 运动员必须总是处于最佳竞技状态。