- She's on the management committee. 她任管理委员会委员。
- I'll put your suggestion before the management committee. 我将把你的建议提交管理委会员考虑。
- It is high time to establish the management committee. 现在的确是该成立管理会的时候了!
- A Management Committee looked at the designs and they liked them. 管理层委员会看了设计,很喜欢。
- The management committee determines departmental policy. 管理委员会决定各部门的政策。
- The management committee member of Chuncheon International Mime Festival. 春川国际哑剧节管理委员会成员。
- The management committee is useful because it allows the worker representative to air their grievance. 管理委员会是有用的,因为它允许工人代表提意见。
- The District Officer reports regularly the work of the District Management Committee to the District Council. 民政事务专员定时向区议会汇报地区管理委员会的工作。
- A resolution of the board of directors of joint management committee may also be made in the form of correspondence. 董事会或者联合管理委员会也可以用通讯的方式作出决议。
- Once I've dug myself in on the management committee,I'll try and get some changes made around here. 一旦我在董事会中站稳脚眼,我就要对这儿进行一些改革。
- The place of tender opening: Xi'an Qujiang newly developed area Management committee. 开标地点:西安市曲江新区管理委员会。
- International Committee of Work Study and Labour Management in Agriculture; 国际农业劳动研究和管理委员会;
- The deliberations and decisions of the General Meeting and of the Management Committee shall be kept as minutes. 会员大会和管理委员会的决议应以会议纪要的形式存档。
- Every month, a management committee looks at all the new ideas and they put development money into some of them. 管理层委员会每个月都对所有的新想法进行筛选,对其中的一些想法注入研发资金。
- Construction of Modern Labour Management 现代人才管理机制的构建
- They kicked their manager upstairs by putting him on the managing committee . 他们把他们的主任安排到管理委员会,使他明升暗降。
- labour management of building industry 建筑业劳动管理
- The dissolution of a Working Group is the responsibility of the Management Committee. 管理委员有权解散工作组。
- labour management of industrial enterprise 工业企业劳动管理
- They kicked their manager upstairs by putting him on the managing committee. 他们把他们的主任安排到管理委员会,使他明升暗降。