- A strong, pressurized, steam-heated vessel, as for laboratory experiments, sterilization, or cooking. 高压灭菌器,高压锅一种用于实验室实验、灭菌或烧煮的高压加热蒸气作用的容器
- In some respects, tests are like laboratory experiments. 在某些方面,测试和实验室试验相似。
- Study on laboratory experiments of CO_2 drive in Shang 13-22 unit. 商13-22单元CO_2驱室内实验研究
- Laboratory experiments are used to study some types of economic decisions. 实验室实验用来研究某些经济决策。
- The photochemical effect has been reproduced many times in laboratory experiments. 光化学效应在实验室试验中多次复制。
- There were written examinations and laboratory experiments as well as discussion meetings. 比赛内容有笔试,实验和辩论。
- And Borodin always regarded music as a secondary pursuit to his medical practice and his laboratory experiments in chemistry. 鲍罗了把音乐同他的行医和化学试验相比较总认为音乐是次要的。
- Methods: Laboratory experiment and field experiment. 方法:实验室试验和现场试验。
- Scientists have been conducting laboratory experiments for 20 years to explore this possibility. 科学工作者为探索这种可能性已经在实验室中进行了20年的实验。
- The decomposition rates of laboratory experiments have a descending trend of CFS>NFS>OS. 室内试验小麦秸秆最终的分解率为CFS>OS>NFS。
- Atoms emit and absorb light of specific wavelengths, as measured in laboratory experiments. 就如同在实验室中所测量到的,原子会放出或吸收特定波长的光。
- In order to verify the model, laboratory experiments were performed for contaminant transport under tidal conditions. 为了验证修改后模型的正确性,作了潮汐条件下污染物输移的室内实验。
- Food Process Engineering Theory and Laboratory Experiments 2000. Sharma, ed al. Willy Interscience. 教学目的:熟悉食品加工操作之数据、整理及应用于工程之计算。
- Speciation may also be induced artificially, through animal husbandry or laboratory experiments. 物种形成也可以通过动物饲养或实验室人工诱导。
- Hans spent the whole day typing up the notes of his laboratory experiment. 汉斯花了一整天的时间把他的实验记录用打字机打出来了。
- The 10-day Olympiad took place in the ancient city of Isfahan. There were written examinations and laboratory experiments as well as discussion meetings. 这次为期10天的奥林匹克竞赛在伊斯法罕这个古老的城市举办。比赛包括笔试、实验和讨论三部分。
- At least 2 years laboratory experience in multinational pharmacy manufactures. 至少2年以上制药企业实验室的工作经验。
- The temperature properties conditions of a traditional embankment and a ripped-rock embankment were contrasted by laboratory experiments. 通过室内试验研究了在相同温度边界条件下普通路基和抛石护坡路基的温度分布特征,对比分析了两种路基结构的温度差异。
- Microstructure changes, microfracture characteristics and its generation mechanisms during MWH were studied through laboratory experiments. 通过实验手段研究了微波加热前后砂岩岩样微观结构变化、微裂缝产生机理及特征。
- The laboratory experiments indicate that micro-fine cement has excellent workability compared with normal cement and is a good grouting material. 室内试验结果表明,超细水泥的各项性能较普通水泥优越,能渗入细微裂缝,是优良的灌浆材料。