- OBJECTIVE: To explore whether it is scientific for the ratio between the labeled content of the Chinese medicinal granula and that of the Chinese medicinal decoction pieces. 目的:探索中药配方颗粒标示量与所等同的中药饮片量之比值的科学性。
- It is the responsibility of the application to interpret label contents; they have no intrinsic meaning to the Message Queuing application. 应用程序负责解释标签的内容;对于消息队列应用程序,这些内容没有内在的含义。
- It is the responsibility of the application to interpret the label contents, which have no intrinsic meaning to the Message Queuing application. 应用程序负责解释标签的内容,而对于消息队列应用程序,这些内容没有本质意义。
- The prase is labeled as slang in the dictionary. 这一短语在字典里称为俚语。
- Teaching content should be concise. 教学内容要少而精。
- He labeled the bottle poisonous. 他在瓶子上贴了表示有毒的标签。
- He attached a label to his baggage. 他往行李上贴了一个标签。
- He is quite content with his present fortune. 他对自己目前的境遇颇为得意。
- His work is difficult to label accurately. 他的工作很难准确归类。
- Attach the label to your luggage. 把标签贴(系)在你的行李上。
- The boy was labeled a troublemaker. 这男孩被人称作捣蛋鬼。
- You should be well content with your daughter. 你应该对你的女儿感到满意。
- Personally, I am quite content with Scotland. 就我个人而言,我对苏格兰挺满意。
- These people are often labeled as "work-shy". 这些人常被归入「怕工作」的一类。
- He'll attach the label to your luggage. 他会把标签系在你的行李上。
- He is content to stay in his present job. 他对现在的工作心满意足。
- There is a label on the inside of the box. 盒子内侧有个标签。
- Someone has sticked a label on the crate. 有人在板条箱上贴了标签。
- I am well content to remain here. 我很愿意留在这里。
- Now that she has apologized, I am content. 既然她已经道了歉,我也就满意了。