- It is a member of the Kreutz Group, as Subfragment I, split from an earlier comet. 可也可能是更早分裂的一颗彗星所组成的克鲁兹族彗星的一员。
- Arcing toward a fiery fate, this Sungrazer comet was recorded by the SOHO spacecraft's Large Angle Spectrometric COronagraph(LASCO) on 1996 Dec. 23. 以优美的弧线走向了惨烈的毁灭之路,这颗掠日彗星由SOHO探测飞船的广角光谱日冕观测仪(LASCO)于1996年12月23日记录得到。
- The Great Comet of 1965, Ikeya-Seki, was also a member of the Sungrazer family, coming within about 650,000 kilometers of the Sun's surface. 1965年的池谷关大慧星也是掠日彗星家族的一个成员,来自据太阳表面约650,000公里的太空。
- Yatin MB, Kreutz W, Harwitz BA et al. Science, 1978, 202:1292 赵立;宋廷惠等.;热疗对肿瘤的致伤机制
- Yatvin MB, Kreutz W, Harwitz BA et al. Science, 1978, 202:1292 赵立,宋廷惠等。热疗对肿瘤的致伤机制。军事医学科学院院刊。1998(2
- 14h UTC, Sept.23, I discovered a faint Kreutz comet in LASCO C3, and it was confirmed after one hour. If no accident, it will be my first SOHO-comet. 23日晚10时,我在C3中独立发现的暗淡克鲁兹族彗星在一小时后被确认。如果不出意外,它将成为我的第一颗拥有发现权的SOHO彗星。
- 10.14h UTC, Sept.23, I discovered a faint Kreutz comet in LASCO C3, and it was confirmed after one hour. 23日晚10时,我在C3中独立发现的暗淡克鲁兹族彗星在一小时后被确认。
- sungrazer comet 掠日彗星
- sungrazern. [天]掠日彗星
- Kreutz 克勒茨