- knowledgu spillover 知识溢出
- These people are subjected to a spillover effect. 他们是指那些会受”溢出效应“影响的购物者。
- There's also a global spillover. 这会波及全球。
- A second room was needed for the spillover of staff and reporters. 还需要一个房间给没有安置的员工和记者。
- Other resorts could benefit from the spillover of tourists. 其他度假胜地可以从游客带来的影响中间受益。
- Late trains were a spillover of increased ridership. 乘客多了,火车容易晚点。
- Spillover essentially means that the line between work and home begins to blur. 这里所说的"挤占效应",意思是工作和家庭之间的那条界限已经模糊不清了。
- The MNE Spillover technology has important effect to technological progress. MNE的技术外溢性对技术进步有重要影响。
- The income from their garage sale was a spillover from their habit of not throwing anything away. 他们汽车间的拍卖所得是他们从不扔掉任何东西的习惯所带来的意外收获。
- According to mend and predigest the Bertrand model, we introduce the learning effect and the Spillover into the profit function. 摘要通过在伯川德模型利润函数中引入学习影响、溢出因子等,实现了该模型的改进和简化。
- The results show that there is a significant "Tobin Effect" and "Spillover Effect" from inflation rate on economic growth rate. 检验结果表明我国经济这行中存在显著的“托宾效应”和通货膨胀率对经济增长率的波动“溢出效应”。
- "Spillover effects," or side effects, are the impacts on the activities of others of actions taken by us. 额外影响或附带影响系指我们的行为对他人所采取活动的影响。
- Industry cluster can effectively realize scale economic benefit, moreover it can drive the area economic development by strong Spillover Effect. 摘要产业集聚能充分实现规模经济效益,并能以强大的溢出效应带动整个区域的发展。
- These new growth poles will generate positive spillover effects on the Bohai Rim Region and Western China. 这些新的区域增长极,将对渤海湾地区和西部地区产生正面的溢出效应。
- These three stock markets also have no obvious return spillover effects during our sample periods. 不论在日股最低点前后,三国股市间均无显著的报酬传导效果。
- At last, it calculates and analyzes the inter-industry R&D spillover effect of 2002 in the landscape orientation. 然后对我国2002年产业间的R&D溢出效应进行了计算和分析。
- There are opposite effects between the probability of merger and knowledge spillover. 而企业间兼并的概率和知识溢出成反比。
- There has been controversy all the time as to whether FDI has positive technological spillover effect or not. 摘要外商直接投资(下文简称为FDI)是否具有正的技术外溢效应一直存有争议。
- Based on quantile regression, this paper reexamines the spillover effect of FDI in China% industry sector. 摘要本文使用分位数回归法重新审视了外资对中国工业部门的技术溢出。
- A CBOT floor analyst said corn prices also stimulated spillover support from higher prices. 一CBOT场内分析师称,玉米价格上涨的溢出支撑也刺激了尾盘价格上涨。