- knowledge work study 知识工作研究
- They proposed setting up a work study school in the brigade. 他们建议在大队成立一个半工半读学校。
- This paper describes the definition and class of knowledge work and functions of intelli- gent MIS. 本文论述了知识性工作的定义、种类和智能化管理信息系统的功能。
- Dr. Casarette also advised me that I may contact you for information about work study opportunities. 博士还建议我向您询问有关工读情况。
- Improving the efficiency of knowledge work and brainwork is the chief management mission in the 21th century, but the research about it just begin. 提高知识作业、脑力劳动的效率是“21世纪管理的首要任务”,但其研究“才刚刚开始”。
- What ideas or practices have you brought into your work study from the external world? 是否曾经将一些想法或实践方法从外部世界中带入到你的工作或学习中去?
- Antioch also became one of the first to offer work study programs, so students could gain experience in jobs. 安提俄克学会也成为了第一批提供工作学习课程的学会之一,所以学生可以在工作中获得经验。
- Working study presses muscularity, does fatigue food suggest? 工作学习压力大,疲劳的饮食建议?
- Applying varieties of work measurement methods, work study on Weiber R6C full automatic linear edge bonding machine of some enterprise was carried through. 摘要应用多种作业测定方法对板式家具生产中使用的威霸R6C全自动直线封边机进行了作业研究。
- To the work study enthusiasm, has the intense sense of responsibility and the dedication to work, is loyal to the enterprise. 对工作学习积极热情,有强烈的责任感和事业心,对企业忠诚。
- Davenport,T.H.,Jarvenpaa,S.L.and Beers,M.C.Improving knowledge work processes[M].Sloan Management Review.In:Kelloway,E.K.,1996.and Barling,J.Knowledge work as organisational behavior[J].International Journal of Management Review,2002.2(3):287-304. 知识工作和知识工作者是两个不同的概念;但显然又是密切相关的;因此;在文献综述中不再刻意的去区分知识工作和知识工作者.;但是在第二节对知识工作的界定中则明确是针对知识工作的
- Working on the right things is what makes knowledge work effective.This is not capable of being measured by and of the yardsticks for manual work. 和以往一样,他并不喜欢电气化和重型的伴奏,钢琴和简单的吉他等乐队套件才是他中意的方式。
- Through work Study and nearly without any additional investment, the line efficiency was raised from 12 .7% to 83. 78%, increasing the daily products from 102 units to 204 units. 在基本不增加投资情况下,通过工作研究使流水线效率从42.;7 %25提高到 83
- Applying varieties of work measurement methods,work study on Weiber R6C full automatic linear edge bonding machine of some enterprise was carried through. 应用多种作业测定方法对板式家具生产中使用的威霸R6C全自动直线封边机进行了作业研究。
- At least one year construction financial budgeting knowledge working experience. 一年以上工程造价预算员经验。
- "Seaweed":The overseas return of because of academic educational background background not Gao, hard find out good the return to the fatherland of work study abroad a personnel. “海草”:海外归来的因学术学历背景不高、难以找到好工作的归国留学人员。
- It is a dream laboratory where researchers are at work studying dreamers. 这是一间析梦实验室。研究人员在这里致力于对做梦人的研究。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- Having some related work experience in the area of career interest, either through summer jobs or short term work study placements, is also much valued by employers. 同样地,学生们可以考虑在平时做一些有价值的实习工作,或者短期的暑假兼职等等,多积累自己在职场上的经验,在未来会更具有竞争力。
- Article 36 A correctional work study school shall strictly manage and reeducate those minors studying there. 第三十六条工读学校对就读的未成年人应当严格管理和教育。