- The measure to construct knowledge services sup-porting architecture is to utilize single-sub... 最后,讨论了分层构建方式的优势和实现方法。
- The article puts forward the question that the essence of the knowledge services is using knowledge or supplying "knowledge . 文章提出了知识服务的本质是利用“知识”服务,还是提供“知识”产品的问题。
- It is necessary to build knowledge services supporting architecture to provide effective support for S&T innova-tion system,S&T innovation process and S&T innovation entity. 知识服务支撑体系能有效地向科技创新系统、科技创新流程、科技创新主体提供知识资源与服务的支撑。
- UDDI not only structurally fits the needs of loose coupled knowledge services system, but also technically fits the characteristics of distributed heterogeneous knowledge services network. UDDI不仅在结构上适应松耦合的知识服务系统的要求,而且在技术上也适应知识服务网络的分布性及异构性特点。
- Subject librarians are team members in Sic-Tech research teams in colleges and universities. Subject librarian provide knowledge services and realize its own value in research teams. 摘要从学科馆员作为高校科研团队的辅助层成员出发,探讨学科馆员如何通过提供有针对性的知识服务,体现出自身在科研团队中的价值。
- The goals of the knowledge management of library are knowledge service and knowledge innovation. 摘要图书馆知识管理的直接目标是知识服务和知识创新。
- The research on the application of ontology cannot but improve knowledge service level in this field. 本体的应用研究必然改善这一特定领域的知识服务水平。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- I desire to use his own knowledge service in the sacred knowledge of the law and the great undertaking, for it escorting! 我渴望用自己所学的法律知识服务于这个神圣而伟大的事业,为它保驾护航!
- To sum up, the insistence on both preservation and utility will provide readers with a new experience of the “Knowledge Service”. 总之,在这个“知识服务”的新型数据库中,用户将会有完全不同于以往的全新体验。
- Design knowledge services system 设计知识服务系统
- The paper analyzes the puzzlement of the knowledge service in university libraries in the internet environment and advances a series of corresponding measures. 文章分析了网络环境下高校图书馆知识服务面临的困境,进而提出了一系列的应对措施。
- It informs that a new point of view on the core value contains the knowledge management, knowledge education and the knowledge service via understanding it again. 通过对图书馆核心价值的再认识,提出了知识管理、知识教育和知识服务是图书馆核心价值的新观点。
- The ontology technology can the better use this isomerous information, realize the fire prevention domain knowledge comprehensive integration, gain the better knowledge service. 本体技术能够更好的利用这些异构信息,实现消防领域知识的全面集成,以获取更好的知识服务。
- Using the knowledge service based on ontology can effectively increase the inter-operation among the systems,the knowledge sharing,the service activeness and intelligence. 运用基于本体的知识服务能有效提高系统之间的互操作,促进知识共享,增强服务的主动性、智能性;
- This paper analyzes the environment of library knowledge service operation and the challenges it faces, and then summarizes the knowledge service operation mode of library. 摘要本文分析了图书馆知识服务运营的环境及面临的挑战,并且归纳总结了图书馆知识服务的运营模式。
- Through the quantitative research method and this survey, the theory fundament is made as framework to describe new user knowledge service in new network environment. 透过量化方法和调查,产生一个理论基础,作为描绘在新网络环境下的新用户知识服务的框架。
- Later he also gained in aesthetic knowledge. 后来他的美学知识也增加了。
- He is not made for climbing the tree of knowledge. 他不是生来适于攀登知识之树的。
- He is always parading his knowledge. 他总是夸耀自己的知识。