- She sat on the kitchen chair, crossed her legs, and the hem of her skirt rode up well above her right knee. 她坐厨房椅子上,翘着二郎腿,裙边掀到右膝以上。
- Dudley, who was so large his bottom drooped over either side of the kitchen chair, grinned and turned to Harry. 达力太胖了,屁股都从厨房椅子的两边耷拉下来,坏笑着转向哈利。
- He yelped, climbed into the kitchen chair and poked at the tender pink skin until his wife brought him an ice pack. 他烫得直叫唤,爬到了厨房的椅子上,一个劲儿地抚摸他那娇嫩的粉红色皮肤,直到他妻子给他拿来了一个冰袋才停下来。
- She tied you to her kitchen chair, she broke your throne and she cut your hair. And from your lips, she drew the hallelujah. 她把你捆在她厨房的椅子上,她毁了你的王位然后剪了你的头发。她取出哈利路亚的内脏。
- It puts the trapeze artist to shame.Look at us, We run a tight rope daily, balancing a pile of books on the head.Baby-carriage, parasol, kitchen chair, still under control.Steady now! 它会使吊秋千的表演者都感到羞愧.;每天我们过着崩紧的绳子样的生活;在头脑中堆积如山的书本中寻找平衡
- Chiu Chow Restaurant by the name Kitchen chaired, a variety of fine cuisine Chaozhou Cuisine. 潮州食府由名厨主理,精制各种潮菜佳肴。
- The chair sagged down under the fat man's weight. 椅子经这胖人一坐便压弯了。
- He canted over from his chair onto the floor. 他从椅子上跌倒在地板上。
- She stabbed him in the leg with a kitchen knife. 她拿菜刀捅伤了他的腿。
- He rocked back and forth in his rocking chair. 他坐在摇椅里前后摇晃着。
- Everything in the kitchen is in good order. 厨房里的每样东西都井然有序。
- He shifted uncomfortably in his chair. 他在椅子不舒服地动来动去。
- The light bulb in the kitchen burnt out. 厨房里的电灯泡烧坏了。
- She dropped gratefully into the chair. 她如释重负地在椅子上坐了下来。
- Have you swept out the kitchen as you promised? 你答应扫厨房,你扫了吗?
- She turned the chair on its side to repair it. 她把椅子翻转过来修理。
- I start off as a kitchen helper. 我开始是干厨房帮手的活。
- He lay back in his chair and dozed off. 他靠在椅子上打起瞌睡来。
- The open door revealed an untidy kitchen. 透过敞开的房门可以看见凌乱的厨房。
- Her hands rested on the arms of her chair. 她的双手搁在椅子的扶手上。