- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- The judge disallowed that evidence. 法官驳回那项证据。
- The king was burned in effigy by the angry mob. 国王的模拟像被愤怒的民众烧掉以泄心中的愤恨。
- You may be called to give evidence at the trial. 法庭可能传你去作证。
- Lack of evidence resulted in their acquittal. 因证据不足而宣判他们无罪。
- The bishop anointed the new king with oil. 主教为新国王登基举行涂油仪。
- The lawyer unearthed some new evidence concerning the case. 律师发现了有关此案件的新证据。
- The king sought to aggrandize himself. 国王企图增强自己的势力。
- New evidence has recently come to light. 新证据最近才为人知。
- The duke plotted to supplant the king. 公爵阴谋取代国王的地位。
- No new evidence emerged during the enquiry. 在询问过程中未发现新证据。
- There wasn't enough evidence to prove him guilty. 没有充分的证据证明他有罪。
- Have we enough evidence to go by? 我们有足够的证据以资判断吗?
- The first scene of the play is the king's palace. 剧中的第一个场景是王宫。
- Have you any evidence for lodging a claim? 你方索赔有什么证明吗?
- The king is the most important person in a kingdom. 国王是一个王国中最重要的人物。
- He can produce evidence to support his allegations. 他能提出证据以表明他的指控属实。
- I found no evidence to back your interpretation. 我找不到证据来支持你的解释。
- Prince Charles will be the next king of England. 查尔斯王子将是英国的下一位国王。
- He examined each piece of evidence in isolation. 他分别审查每一证据。