- Anything of the kind will suit the taste of my wife. 像那一类的东西会合我妻子的口味。
- No fire tricks of any kind will be permitted. 禁止一切玩火行为。
- The kind will is the core concept and base in Kant's ethics. 摘要善良意志是康德伦理学中的核心概念和基础。
- What kind will you have? Bolony? Salami? Spiced ham? Liverwurst? Head cheese? 您要什么样儿的?意大利熏肠呢?意大利咸腊肠呢?香火腿呢?肝末腊肠呢?还是猪头肉膏呢?
- Kindness will creep where it cannot go. 好心肠的人总是想尽办法帮助别人。
- He and his kind will be put to shame; craftsmen are nothing but men. 11看哪,他的同伴都必羞愧,工匠也不过是人。
- What kind will you have? Bolony? Salami? Spiced ham? Liverwurst? Head cheese ? 您要什么样儿的?意大利熏肠呢?意大利咸腊肠呢?香火腿呢?肝末腊肠呢?还是猪头肉膏呢?
- Kindness will creep where it may not go. 仁慈可进入任何禁地。
- Refrigerators of this kind will be on display at the Chinese Export Commodities Fair. 这种类型的电冰箱将在中国出口商品交易会上陈列。
- A little kindness will go a long way with some people. 小小的好意,对有些人地会起很大作用。
- A lttle kindness will go a long way with some people. 小小的好意,对有些人却会起很大作用。
- Your sympathy and kindness will always be remembered. 你的慰问和关心,我将永铭在心。
- Incidents of this kind will continue as long as sport is played competitively rather than for the love of the game. 只要体育运动仍是为竞争而不是因热爱运动本身而举办,那么此类事件就会层出不穷。
- The result for Southerners is a reaction that Cukor-Avila calls "linguistic insecurity," like the kind Will McKee experienced in New York. 语言是以有效交流为最终目的,即使你说的天花乱坠,地涌金莲,如果言之无物,也没有人会说你英文好。
- Of the birds after their kind, and of the animals after their kind, of every creeping thing of the ground after its kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive. 创6:20飞鸟各从其类、牲畜各从其类、地上的昆虫各从其类、每样两个、要到你那里、好保全生命。
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
- Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life and honor. 追求工义仁慈的,就寻的生命、公义和尊荣。
- One, " the quantity produces to enter " law this is the rental calculation method that at present state-owned farm uses generally, be a kind will farming.. 一、“量出为入”法这是目前国有农场普遍采用的地租计算方法,是一种将农...
- That kind of talk will get you nowhere. 说那种话对你没好处。
- Contradictions of all kinds will crop up in the process and we should discover and overcome them in good time. 试验中间会出现各种矛盾,我们要及时发现和克服这些矛盾。