- Who are the maoists, and why have they turned the Himalayan Kingdom into a killing zone? 谁是毛派反政府武装,以及他们为什么把喜马拉雅王国变成杀人区?
- Meanwhile English authorities have stepped up their efforts to contain it, putting up a "firewall" killing zone around infected farms. 与此同时,英国当局已做了进一步的努力来控制疫情,在已传染的农场周围架设屠宰区“防火墙”。
- If player misses kill zone, injured deer will run away, requiring player to track it. 假如错过死亡射击部位,受伤的鹿将跑开,玩家需要再次追踪。
- If they come at you with a knife, drop to the ground, ball up to protect your torso (the kill zone) and kick at the attacker's knees or groin. 如果他们用刀逼迫你,蹲到地下,蜷起身体保护你的主身(致命区),然后踢袭击者的膝盖或下档。
- The Polish anti-tank obstacles, constructed of railway track sections embedded in concrete, channelled the tanks into killing zones. 波军的反坦克障碍物利用钢筋混凝土建造,他们让德军坦克进入了一个死亡之地。
- The indication is that it is an underworld killing. 迹象表明它是下流社会的谋杀。
- The court has made a verdict of unlawful killing. 法庭已经做出不合法杀害的裁决。
- Into the Kill Zone: A Cop's Eye View of Deadly Force 警察眼中的致命暴力
- Plan is killing free enterprise. 规划扼杀自由经营。
- The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。
- The bomb went off, killing three people. 炸弹爆炸,炸死了3个人。
- As good almost kill a man as kill a good book. 毁掉一本好书与杀人无异。
- He felt as if he almost wished to kill them. 他感觉彷佛几乎要杀掉他们。
- A patsy was blamed for killing President Kennedy. 一个代罪羔羊被指责行刺甘乃迪总统。
- Supplies were parachuted into the earthquake zone. 救援物资已空投到地震区。
- She's made a killing on the stock market. 她在股票市场上大发了一笔财。
- He wroth off a dirty kind of life by killing himself. 他以自杀结束了他那肮脏的一生。
- Some people live in Torrid Zone. 有些人生活在热带。
- How can you defend the killing of animals for pleasure? 你怎么能为杀死动物取乐的行为辩护呢?
- I'd like to see Europe as a nuclear-free zone. 我希望欧洲成为无核区。