- The missile carried a "kill vehicle" and destroyed the satellite by ramming it. 该导弹携带一个杀伤弹头,直接集中并摧毁了卫星。
- At a predetermined point, the GBI releases itsExoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV). 在最终防御阶段,导弹将会释出外太空劫杀器(EKV)。
- From this point forward, the kill vehicle will proceed to the target on its own momentum. 从这一点起,杀伤器会用其自己的动量向目标飞行。
- Also, an attacker could cool the black shroud of the warhead using liquid nitrogen, making it invisible to the kill vehicle's infrared sensor. 另外,攻击者也可利用液态氮冷却弹头的黑色外壳,以躲避击杀载具上红外线感测器的追踪。
- Finally, the simulation results based on a certain typeof kinetic kill vehicle validate the rightness of the simulationmodel. 文末,以某型动能拦截器为例进行仿真研究,验证了模型的正确性。
- After flying into space, the interceptor released its exoatmospheric kill vehicle, which proceeded to track, intercept and destroy the target warhead. 在进入太空后,拦截器释放了大气层外杀伤器,用其进行目标跟踪、拦截和摧毁战斗部。
- In more recent years, the Pentagon has spent nearly $400 million developing a much more advanced KE-Asat kinetic kill vehicle. 近年来,五角大楼花费了近4亿美元来研发先进得多的KE-ASAT动能拦截弹。
- NASHUA, N.H.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--BAE Systems will develop and test a key component of the U.S.Missile Defense Agency\'s Multiple Kill Vehicle payload system. BAE系统将开发和试验用于美国导弹防御局的“多杀伤器”有限载荷系统的其中一个关键部分。
- S.Air Force Defense Support Program missile warning satellites in geosynchronous orbit would have detected the Xichang launch of the asat kill vehicle and U.S. 从地面发射的导弹,能够在这个高度上准确地直接击中一颗高速飞行、大小2米左右见方的卫星,技术难度非常大。
- Abstract The cost of a kinetic energy of kill vehicle(KKV) depends significantly on its s ize and weight,the objective of this paper is to reduce the KKV's weight. 摘 要 直接碰撞动能拦截器(KKV)的成本主要取决于它的大小和重量,本文的研究目的是使KKV轻小 型化。
- Sources believe the test involved an upgraded HQ-9 surface-to-air missile (SAM) equipped with a new exoatmospheric kill vehicle for use as a ballistic missile defense or anti-satellite (ASAT) system. 消息人士认为,测试内容包括升级的红旗9舰对空导弹(SAM)的一个新的作为弹道导弹防御或反利用卫星大气层外拦截器装备(反卫星武器)系统。
- In a 1985 controversial test, a U.S.Air Force F-15 launched a miniature kill vehicle propelled by SRAM/Altair solid rocket motors to impact and destroy the USAF Solwind science spacecraft. 在1985年的拦截试验中,一架美国空军的F-15战斗机发射了一枚由SRAM/Altair固体火箭发动机推动的袖珍拦截器,击中并摧毁了美国空军太阳风科学卫星。
- And if it cannot spot the real target, it is developing interceptors with multiple “kill vehicles” to destroy decoys too. 但是如果分析错误的话,那么携带有多重“毁灭方案”的拦截导弹也会摧毁诱饵。
- As good almost kill a man as kill a good book. 毁掉一本好书与杀人无异。
- solid propellant kinetic kill vehicle 固体动能拦截器
- He felt as if he almost wished to kill them. 他感觉彷佛几乎要杀掉他们。
- Each vehicle is interchangeable. 各个装置都可互换。
- The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke. 机动车的尾部排气管排出有毒的浓烟。
- Extra -atmospheric kill vehicle( EKV ) 拦截器
- They use ultraviolet lamp to kill pests. 他们使用紫外线灯杀死害虫。