- If Coleman is exonerated, it wil be the first time that genetic evidence is used to prove that the US death penalty has killed an innocent person. 如果科尔曼被证实无罪,那么这会是人们第一次用基因证据来证明美国的死刑杀死了一个无辜的人。
- The gangster stabbed an innocent person to death. 歹徒扎死了一名无辜者。
- A scheme to incriminate an innocent person. 陷害控告无辜之人的计谋
- It is a wicked thing to frame an innocent person. 设计诬陷一个清白的人是很败坏的行为。
- Enough! You are accusing an innocent person. 够了!你在污蔑好人!
- kill an innocent person 枉杀无辜
- There exists the possibility of wronging an innocent person. 有可能冤枉无辜的人。
- It looks as if the blame has been fastened on an innocent person. 看起来好像是一个无辜的人受到了惩罚。
- An innocent person is not culpably responsible for action. 一个无辜的人对于一种行为没有应受指责的责任。
- In order to save their own skins,they sought to pin the crime on an innocent person. 为了逃脱罪责,他们妄图把罪行栽在一个无辜者的身上。
- Whether an innocent person can become the subject of breakout or not, different instances should be taken into account. 无罪的人能否成为脱逃罪的主体,应当区分不同情况分别把握。
- In order to save their own skins they sought to pin the crime on an innocent person . 为了逃脱罪责,他们妄图把罪行栽在一个无辜者的身上。
- In order to save their own skins they sought to pin the crime on an innocent person. 为了逃脱罪责,他们试图将罪行推在一个无辜者的身上。
- Not believe they want to, like an executioner, an innocent hurt an innocent person's heart. 不敢相信自己想一个刽子手一样,伤害了一个无辜的人的一颗无辜的心。
- Cursed be he that taketh gifts, to slay an innocent person: and all the people shall say: Amen. 接受贿赂去杀害无辜的,是可咒骂的。全体人民应答说:阿们。
- You'd better provide your evidence and not accuse an innocent person groundlessly. 你最好拿出证据来,不要凭白无故冤枉好人。
- Would you be willing to murder an innocent person if it would end hunger in the world? 如果你杀死一个无辜的人,就能够制止世界大饥荒,你愿不愿意这样做?
- In the same way, evidence must be designed perfectly if it is to frame an innocent person to make him or her seem guilty. 同样,假象要设计得完美才能框定一个无辜的人,让他看来有罪。
- Whosoever offends an innocent person, pure and guiltless, his evil comes back on that fool himself like fine dust thrown against the wind. 得罪了一个清白、纯洁、无邪的人;像当着风扔细尘那样,罪恶会回到这愚人身上。
- Reynolds and free captured turkeys on Thanksgiving in front of all American cameras.That’s a ironic shame, free a bird and incarcerate an innocent person, isn’t it? 这件事是浮华的闹剧,长久的危害大于一时的快感,这让一个城市更加急功近利,为了迅速成名不惜掩盖和漠视真相。