- The boys were kicking up a terrific row. 这些男孩在起哄。
- kick up a terrific row 吵翻了天
- Don't kick up a row about such trifle. 不要为小事去胡闹。
- He is deliberately trying to kick up a row. 他这样说简直是在叫号。
- Don't kick up a fuss about such trifles! 不要为这点小事就吵吵嚷嚷!
- The truck can kick up a lot of dust. 卡车激起很多灰尘。
- If I refuse to go to the theatre,my wife is sure to kick up a row. 如果我不愿意去剧院,我妻子一定要大闹一番的。
- Somebody called the police and there was a terrific row. 有人喊来了警察,发生了激烈的争吵。
- If I refuse to go to the theater, my wife is sure to kick up a row. 如果我拒绝去戏院,我妻子一定会大闹一场。
- If I refuse to go to the theatre, my wife is sure to kick up a row. 如果我不愿意去剧院,我妻子一定要大闹一番的。
- The child will kick up a row if he doesn't get his own way. 这孩子一不称心就发脾气。
- He is always kicking up a shine about a trifle. 他总是为一点小事大吵大闹。
- What a terrific row! 闹得太凶了!
- They're bound to kick up a rumpus about all this damage. 他们一定会为所有的损失而大声喧闹。
- Our baby kicked up a fuss in church. 我们的小家伙在教堂里(大哭起来)搅得一片混乱。
- When the teacher left the room,two boys kicked up a row. 老师离开教室时,两男生吵了起来。
- She fetched him a terrific slap in the face. 她狠狠地给了他一记耳光。
- When the teacher left the room, two boys kicked up a row. 老师离开教室时,两男生吵了起来。
- The two boys kicked up a row after their parents left. 父母走后, 这两个男孩子吵了起来。
- He is driving at a terrific speed. 他以极快的速度驾驶。