- I believe persistence and perseverance are key attributes. 我认为坚持和毅力是关键。
- The following table describes some of the key attributes of code-based guidance offerings, including Enterprise Library. 下表描述了基于代码的指导性产品(包括企业程序库)的一些关键属性。
- For pain and many other symptoms,understanding these essential characteristics,summarized below as the seen key attributes of a symptom, is critical. 对于疼痛和许多其他症状,理解这些必需的特征,下面总结的症状中七点属性是非常重要的。
- Free draining alluvial soils providing naturally prolonged vine vigour as well as a reduced growing season are key attributes to the site. 排水性良好的淤积土自然地缩短了葡萄的生长周期又增强了葡萄的活力。
- As always, we represent an E/R relationship in the relational model by a relation whose schema has the key attributes of the related entity sets. 如果我们采用E/R模型来进行设计,我们的一个任务就是要搞清楚如何将E/R设计转换为关系模型的设计。
- Both bring additional commercial and operational expertise in the biopharmaceutical industry, which are key attributes requested by our shareholders. 双方带来更多的商业和业务专长于生物制药行业,这是关键属性要求我们的股东。
- When we start new churches, we look for church planters with key attributes: resilience, faith, self-motivation, and an ability to relate well to folks outside the church. 开设新的教会时,我们要物色具有几项主要素质的植堂人士:耐力、信心、自发性、和善于与教会以外的人来往。
- This column returns the number of dimension key attribute members. 此列返回维度键属性成员的数目。
- Portuguese winger Nani says he is ready to play whenever Sir Alex Ferguson calls on him, but says patience and a determination to develop are key attributes in this stage of his United career. 葡萄牙边锋纳尼说他准备相应弗格森爵士的任何召唤。但是他说耐心和决心是发展自己曼联生涯的钥匙。
- IDM is implemented on the background system, responsible for collecting network data, extracting key attributes, clustering using EACA and doing responses according to user’s commands. 入侵检测模块在后台系统上实现,抓取网络数据包,提取特征属性,利用蚁群算法进行聚类分析,形成异常规则,并能够根据用户指令,对入侵行为采取相应动作。
- Therefore,we present the concept of key attribute to describe the attributes that affect data stability. 由此,本文提出了关键属性的概念,用于描述影响数据稳定性的属性。
- The paper started from the definition of EHR, and scoped the key attributes of EHR and the essential requirements of each attribute. 文章从电子健康记录的定义出发,总结了电子健康记录应满足的需求。
- If the granularity attribute and the key attribute are different attributes, then non-key attributes must be linked, directly or indirectly, to the granularity attribute. 如果粒度属性和键属性为不同的属性,则非键属性必须直接或间接地链接到粒度属性。
- Between the key attribute and each non-key attribute bound to columns in the main dimension table. 在键属性与绑定到主维度表中各列的每个非键属性之间定义。
- Named sets defined on the key attribute of a dimension are converted to a subtype of the entity. 对维度的键属性定义的命名集将转换为实体的一个子类型。
- This attribute type is typically applied to the key attribute of a currency dimension, for use in currency conversion. 此特性类型通常应用于货币维度的键特性,在货币换算中使用。
- This attribute type is typically applied to the key attribute of a reporting dimension, for use in currency conversion. 此特性类型通常应用于报表维度的键特性,在货币换算中使用。
- This attribute type is typically applied to the key attribute of a time dimension or server time dimension. 此特性类型通常应用于时间维度或服务器时间维度的键特性。
- Robben is also a fan of the Manchester City star - believing that his pace will be a key attribute. 罗本也是一名曼城球星的-----坚信他的速度将会发挥一个关键作用。
- Relationships from a measure group to a dimension are ignored if they are based on an attribute other than the key attribute of the dimension. 如果度量值组与维度的关系基于维度的键属性之外的某个属性,则这些关系将被忽略。