- We see Cloudscape as a key part of that. 我们看到Cloudscape正是其中的关键部分。
- Learning is a key part of Knowledge Management. 学习是知识管理中的一个关键内容。
- The Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missile (ATBM) is a key part of the modern air defense system and plays more and more important function, so its intercepting effectiveness becomes the final target pursued by system. 反导防空导弹是现代防空体系的关键组成部分,并发挥着越来越重要的作用,因而其拦截效能成为系统所追求的最终目标。
- Corporate-tax reform was a key part of the Reagan blitz,too. 公司税收体制改革也是里根总统“闪电新政”的关键部分。
- A key part of ASP.NET site navigation is the site map provider. ASP.;NET网站导航的关键部分是网站地图提供程序。
- A key part of the life cycle of any application is its deployment. 任何应用程序的生命周期中,部署都是一个关键部分。
- Element check is a key part in the implementation of AFT. 在AFT方法实现中,对新生成单元的检查是关键过程。
- The E?payment becomes the key part in the E?commerce. 电子支付成为电子商务中关键性的组成部分。
- Byck described the hazards of a key part of the process. 白克形容加工过程中一个重要部件的危害性。
- Power control unit is the key part of control system. 功率控制单元是控制系统的核心部件。
- CDMA is the key part of mobile communication system. CDMA对移动通信系统尤其关键。
- Vision system of Chinese chess playing robot is the key part. 视觉系统是仿人对弈机器人研究的关键部分。
- Finalize and carry out control plan for key parts. 制定并执行关键零部件的控制措施。
- The key parts are made of stainless steel. 主要关键部位采用不锈钢材料制成。
- The heat receiver is one of the SDPS key parts. 吸热/蓄热器是热动力发电系统关键部件之一。
- A key part of accomplishing anything difficult is not to give up easily. 无所作为的一个关键组成部分,不是很难轻易放弃。
- Research on insects suggests that bacteria play a key part in animal evolution. 对昆虫的研究表明,细菌在动物的演化过程中起着关键作用。
- Multi-source information fusion is one key part of C4ISR system construction. 多源信息的融合处理问题是C~4ISR系统建设中的一个关键问题。
- Instruments are a key part of property in colleges and universities. 高校仪器设备是学校资产的重要组成部分。
- The regenerator is a key part of the cold head of Stirling refrigerator. 回热器是斯特林制冷机冷头的重要组成部分。