- The key question is in focus; why not reach a decision? 主要问题已非常明显,为何不作出结论呢?
- Have all key questions been anticipated? 项目关键问题表述检查?
- Relevancy is a key question in practicing arp. 相关性是一个在练习中很关键的问题。
- IPC is a key question of distributed system. 分布式系统面临的一个关键问题是解决好进程间通信(IPC)协作.
- The key question was when the risk became manifest. 这其中关键的问题是这种风险是何时显露出来的。
- The key question is in focus,why not reach a decision? 主要问题已非常明显,为何不作出结论呢?
- The key question of what caused the leak remains unanswered. 泄漏究竟是怎么造成的,这一关键问题仍未得到答案。
- He hemmed and hawed, giving no direct reply to the key question. 对于这个关键问题,他总是闪烁其辞,不愿明确回答。
- A key question is how to expose domain concepts for so-called business aspects. 关键问题是如何暴露所谓的业务方面的域概念。
- Josh Chin and Zachary Slobig report from Xinjiang, where water security is a key question for residents. 乔希?覃和扎克瑞?斯洛比格从新疆报道,在那里水安全对当地居民来说是一个关键问题。
- The reform of mathematics teaching mode is one of key questions on reform of mathematics education. 摘要数学教学模式改革在数学教育改革中是一个关键的问题。
- This course introduces the mathematical modeling techniques needed to address key questions in modern biology. 本课程介绍近代生物学上需要提出重要问题的数学模型方法。
- Clock Synchronization is one of the key questions in the distributed control network system. 分布式控制网络系统中的核心问题之一就是时钟同步问题。
- And the key questions for making such predictions are: Just where is the subglacial water? 而要做出预测的关键问题包括:冰下的水到底在哪里?
- A proper review would pose, and answer, two key questions: What public interest is served by antidumping? 一个真正的调查应该提出、并回答如下两个问题:一、反倾销给公众带来了怎样的利益?
- Since time was limited,Chai asked some key questions and the audiences gave him their answers well and truly. 由于时间上比较紧,我们柴阳阳讲师就向观众们提了几个关键性的问题,十分高兴场上观众都准确地作了回答。
- The key question is co-operation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. 关键在于国共两党的合作。
- The boron abundace that control graphite carbon source powder anticipate is a transparent key question with boron diamond composition. 控制石墨炭源材料的硼含量是透明含硼金刚石合成的关键问题。
- But the key question was whether we could hold our ground. Victory would mean that we were able to hold the territory we won. And we did that. 但关键是能不能站得住,站得住就是胜利,结果,我们站稳了。
- The key question, then, concerns the leader who has his finger on the trigger: Is Kim Jong Il a madman? 因此,关键问题就集中在那个把手指放在扳机上的领导人:金二世是个疯子吗?