- This is a key feature of our society. 这是我们社会的一个主要特点。
- key feature points 关键特征点
- Combining with the information of nostril, it presented a lip feature extraction method to accurately locate six key lip feature points. 结合人脸结构信息,提出了融合鼻孔角度信息的嘴唇特征点提取方法。
- He successfully makes the point that a key feature of differentiation is its flexibility and widespread applicability. 回答:他成功地找到了一个关键性的区别,那就是它的灵活性和广泛的适用性。
- Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme. 团队合作是这项训练计划的重要特点。
- Synchronization is a key feature of many UltraLite applications. 同步是许多UltraLite应用程序的关键功能。
- Study of feature points detecting technique for trajectory measurement system. 轨迹测量系统中特征点检测技术研究。
- A method on detection of feature points based on muti-scale space is presented. 提出了一种在不同尺度空间下特征点提取的方法。
- What are the key features of Java in the database? 数据库中的Java有哪些主要功能?
- What are the key features of the SOA? 那么SOA具有那些关键特点呢?
- While this is a JAVA marketing phrase it is also a key feature of PHP. 这是JAVA的一句行销口号,但是它同时也是PHP的关键特性之一。
- RATES uses bottom-up method to precisely locate feature points on human face by 13 training data sets. 特别在人脸特征定位方面,该系统使用自底向上的方法,通过13个训练集的学习,能够由局部至整体地对人脸各器官及特征点进行精确定位。
- These parts include the emendation of photos, camera calibration and how to obtain feature points. 这些关键的环节包括相机畸变校正、相机定标以及特征匹配点的获取。
- Our approach is based on Key Features(KFs) and directed graph. 采用图的和运算,建立了零件公差模型。
- This paper mainly researches the application that one uses the trifocal tensor to get feature points and feature lines. 本文重点研究了三视张量在图像点特征及线特征获取中的应用。
- The key feature: an Express Chill and Express Thaw drawer, which cools a bottle of wine or softens a frozen steak in a fraction of the normal time. 主要特色:一个特快冷冻和特快融化抽屉(它能够冷冻一瓶酒或融化一块冷冻的牛排,所用时间仅为正常时间的零头。
- This paper discusses the methods of extracting feature points based on unitary of illumination, also gives the experimental result. 本文以点特征提取为例,对光照归一化的特征点提取方法进行了探讨,并给出了实验结果。
- This segment algorithm is applied in ear image and feature points and curves of outside ear are extracted,which helps to recognize. 将这种分割算法应用到耳形图像的分割,外耳形状的特征点和特征线明显的分割出来,非常利于识别;
- A key feature of the A3980 is the integration of Allegro's unique two-wire STEP and DIRECTION interface. A3980的其中一个关键特征是集成Allegro独特的双线式“步进”和“方向”接口。
- According to the position of lip feature points extracted fromvideo images, the lip model can be driven with Kriging method. 根据视频图像中提取的唇部特征点的位置信息,计算出唇部模型特征点的运动信息,应用Kriging方法,驱动唇部模型的运动。