- key code attribute 代码关键属性
- Gets the code type reference for the code attribute declaration. 获取代码属性声明的代码类型引用。
- And we show the key code and the datastructure. 说明了其中关键代码的实现和数据结构的设计。
- Keypad Interface Key Code Return. 键盘接口按键数据返回;
- Gets the key code of the key that raised the keyUp or keyDown event. 获取引发keyUp或keyDown事件的键的键代码。
- Theory analysis show s that this kind of key code dis tribution's p rotocol is absolutely safe. 理论分析表明这种密钥分配协议是安全可靠的。
- Lists Visual Basic 6.0 Key Code constants and their Visual Basic 2005 equivalents. 列出Visual Basic 6.;0 Key Code常数与其Visual Basic 2005等效项。
- Mr. Tedesco: Nonsense, only I understand the key coding system. 弗朗西斯:给你?只有我知道这钥匙的密码。
- This paper gives the key code of identifying the removable storage device in system development. 给出了实际开发过程中对可移动存储设备识别的关键代码。
- This paper use DLL to realize Z39.50 client and provides the key code which realize the business of Z39.50 client. 摘要介绍了一种利用DLL(动态链接库)技术来实现Z39.;50客户端开发的方法并给出实现业务的关键代码。
- Based on it,as the foremost arithmetic of open key code,RSA is very safe,and have been faultness for20years,but the workload is very huge too. 因此,rsa算法的安全性很高,但算法工作量大。
- The system is characterized by adopting the mixture model of C/S and B/S and using the key code as identity recognition. 文中主要是从身份的识别和密钥生成、分配、传递体系,这两个方面分析和解决系统的安全问题。
- Function : mobile phones and fixed telephone area code attribution to inquiries. 功能:移动电话和固定电话区号归属地查询。
- The improvement of legislation on bribery guilt which suggests expand the scope of crime of bribery as well as abolish the key code of making benefits for others. 七是受贿罪的立法完善,建议扩大贿赂的范围并取消“为他人谋取利益”的要件。
- As a result, the PRELOAD and LOADONCALL code attributes used by. Def files to control loading in previous versions of Windows no longer have meaning. 因此;由.;def文件用来在Windows的早期版本中控制加载的PRELOAD和LOADONCALL代码属性不再具有任何意义。
- This paper gives new random coding algorithm and new random public key code algorithm. 提出了一种随机编码算法;以及一个公开密钥编码算法.
- This paper presents three points of application of DOW function in VFP6.0.Some key codes are also given. 介绍了VFP6.;0中DOW函数的三则应用;并给出了具体代码。
- Crop circles are static pictures of key codes and fire letters emanating through photonic sources. 麦田怪圈是透过光子源而散发的钥匙编码(即关键编码)和火焰字母。
- The image to be encrypted can be reconstructed by subtracted key codes from the encrypted date. 加密图像和随机二值实振幅掩模相减,相减后的光强分布可以重建原图像。
- Because these keys are not continua code, the PC may lose these keys code in sleep mode. 因此您必须多按几次这些按键来醒机。