- Operations Guide: Key box jump over obstacles Mobile. 操作指南:空格键跳跃过障碍,移动。
- Key box set, and then set point blank keys, to start shooting. 空格键确定力度,再按空格键确定角度,即可开始投篮。
- Press the TAB key repeatedly until the cursor is in the Current keys box. 重复按Tab键直到光标位于“当前快捷键”框中。
- For example, real-estate data might have a column called KEY, reflecting the key box placed on houses for sale. 例如,房地产数据可能会包含一个名为KEY的列,它用来反映放置在待售房屋上的钥匙箱。
- Click the Press new shortcut key box, and then press the keyboard shortcut that you want to assign. 单击“请按新快捷键”框,然后按要指定的键盘快捷键。
- Key games make use of mobile, with the key box jumping, jumping Right Key 1997-2000 can be done somersault. 游戏用上下键移动,用空格键跳跃,跳跃时按左右键可以做空翻。
- Key box by jumping up and control the direction above and below, similar to the Super Mary Wang version clearance games. 按空格键跳跃,上下左右控制方向,类似超级玛丽的横版过关游戏。
- Introduction: Rapid run swiftly but carefully hitting his right brain oh Operations Guide: Key box, A Key launch attacks jump underlying! 不过小心撞破脑袋哦操作指南:空格键开始,A键发射攻击,跳跃下伏!
- Rapid run swiftly but carefully hitting his right brain oh Operations Guide: Key box, A Key launch attacks jump underlying! 快速的飞跑吧!不过小心撞破脑袋哦操作指南:空格键开始,A键发射攻击,跳跃下伏!
- Operational Guidelines for School Official Cites Use : The use of mobile direction key, the key box throwing darts, after the panda's attention. 操作指南:使用方向键移动,空格键扔飞镖,注意熊猫的经过。
- Operational Guidelines: School Official Cites Use of the key direction of movement through the X-Key to open a shield volca, the key active shield Z, Key box shooting. 操作指南:方向键移动,X键开启保护罩穿过火山口等,z键收起保护罩时,空格键射击。
- Key directions : first, crawling, the key box excavation at the leak, cloaked in bright lights atop the machine according to the police box will be the key thrown away soil. 第一关:方向键爬,空格键挖掘,等到放风时间,趁着机器警察头顶灯不亮时按空格键将土扔掉。
- Operational Guidelines for School Official Cites Use of the next wave rope itself : Key box and eat something spacecraft get a life reward Barbie Doll careful not to stumble. 操作指南:空格键跃向下一根绳子,吃到小猪飞船可以获得一次生命奖励,小心不要把芭比娃娃摔了。
- Operational Guidelines : School Official Cites Use of the key driving directions, clearing Prankster Key box, each with different customs Prankster not wrong, oh. 操作指南:方向键驾驶,空格键清理捣蛋鬼,每关有不同的捣蛋鬼,不要打错哦。
- In the Press new shortcut key box, press the combination of keys that you want to assign. 在“请按新快捷键”框中,按要指定的键击组合。
- A true reflection of the allied landings in Normandy year history of the computer mouse to click enemy fire, the key box for loading bullets, shooting games like FPS gamers can try. . 真实地反映了当年盟军诺曼底登陆的历史,鼠标左键为射击敌人,空格键为装载子弹,喜欢FPS射击游戏的玩家可以试试。。
- Any keyboard shortcuts that are currently assigned to that command or item appear in the Current keys box. 当前指定给该命令或项的所有键盘快捷键都将显示在“当前快捷键”框中。
- A true reflection of the allied landings in Normandy year history of the computer mouse to click enemy fire, the key box for loading bullets, shooting games like FPS gamers can try. 真实地反映了当年盟军诺曼底登陆的历史,鼠标左键为射击敌人,空格键为装载子弹,喜欢FPS射击游戏的玩家可以试试。。
- You may leave your key at the reception desk. 你可以把钥匙留在服务台。
- He put the key in the lock and turned it. 他把钥匙插入锁里转动。