- At such a moment,she just couldn't keep her mind on her work. 在这样时刻,她简直没法把心思集中到工作上。
- At such a moment, she just couldn't keep her mind on her work. 在这样时刻,她简直没法把心思集中到工作上。
- IMOEN chuckles when you ask her about her past, assuming you are just trying to keep her mind on happier times and places. 当你问及她的过去时,爱蒙咯咯笑了起来,以为你是在尝试让她回忆起过去快乐的时光与场景。
- For the rest of the day Sally made havoc and confusion with his books, and Aleck could not keep her mind on her affairs, not even take up a flower-pot or book or a stick of wood without forgetting what she had intended to do with it. 在这一天剩下的时间里,萨利记账记得漏洞百出,艾莱柯也心不在焉,一会儿端起个花盆,一会儿拿起本书,一会儿又拣起块木头,不知道自己要做什么。
- She read extensively to keep her mind from rust. 她广泛阅读以防止脑子迟钝。
- She gave them a piece of her mind on the subject. 她向他们坦率地说出了自己对这一问题的看法。
- Sabrina tried to focus her mind on her work. 莎宾娜试着把心思放在工作上。
- Jenny should have kept her word, I wonder why she changed her mind. 詹妮应该说话算数的,我不知道她为什么改变了主意。
- Man, she is stoned out of her mind on schoolboy scotch! 啊呀,她被葡萄酒醉得不省人事了。
- kept her mind onv. 专心于(保持注意)
- SCULLY, her mind on other things, glances at him, but remains focused on SKINNER. 史高丽,在想别的事情,瞥了他一眼,但还是集中注意力在斯金纳身上。
- keep her mind onvt. 专心于(保持注意)
- Her lively youngsters keep her on the jump. 她的那些活泼好动的孩子使她忙个不停。
- She's had a lot on her mind recently. 她最近常为许多事烦心。
- Long suffering, self-denying, reflective, and intelligent, a constitutional reserve and taciturnity placed and kept her in the shade, and covered her mind, and especially her feelings, with a sort of nun-like evil, which was rarely lifted. 她总是忍耐,克制,冥思苦想而聪明智慧;气质上的含蓄内敛和沉默寡言总是把她摆到一个不引人注意的地位;这使得她的思想,尤其是她的感情,仿佛被一幅修女的面纱遮盖着-这面纱很少揭开。
- You must keep your mind on your work. 你必须专心工作。
- Fear of the consequences preyed on her mind. 她担心其后果而惴惴不安。
- It was very thoughtless of you to keep her waiting so long. 你让她等那么久也太不体谅人了。
- Her new job certainly keeps her on the trot. 她的新工作把她忙得不可开交。