- Keeping house is my responsibility. 管家是我的事。
- Since their mother died my sister often helps them to keep house. 由于他们的妈妈去世了,我姐姐经常帮助他们料理家务。
- To live alone and keep house as a bachelor. 过独身生活男子独自生活并独自持家
- His mother came to keep house for them. 他的母亲来为他们料理家务。
- He said that he wanted his wife to keep house and not to work in an office. 他说他希望他的太太不工作,专门在家里管理家务。
- She is keeping house for us at present. 目前她在替我们管家。
- My husband is expert at keeping house. 我丈夫善于料理家务。
- Lt's not easy work to keep house. 管家是件不易的事。
- That woman does not know how to keep house. 那女人不知道怎么持家。
- Every one can keep house better than her mother till she trieth. 姑娘都说自己比妈妈会当家。
- We employ a housemaid to keep house for both of us are very busy. 我们雇佣了一个仆人为我们管理家务,因为我们俩都很忙。
- Mary always keeps house after school. 玛丽总是放学。
- Sue kept house, and managed everything for him. 淑给他管家,料理一切。
- She keeps house since she has a child. 她主持家事,自从她生了小孩。
- "My grandmothers didn't do anything but keep house and serve everybody. “我的祖母辈们都没事可干,除了顾家和当老妈子。
- She preferred staying home with her family and keeping house to continuing her career. 她宁愿与全家呆在一起料理家务。而不愿继续从事自己的事业。
- She had given up her career to devote herself to the task of keeping house and raising a family. 她放弃了事业,一心一意地持家和养育子女。
- Many men do not appreciate how much work it takes to keep house and cook three meals a day . 许多男人不理解操持家务和一天做三顿饭要干多少活。
- The three sister-in-laws take turns in keeping house. C: The three sisters-in-law take turns in keeping house. 她们三妯娌轮流当家。
- Since the death of her mother,Jane keeps house for her father and brother. 母亲死后,简就为父亲和弟弟料理家务。