- construction of keeping honest and clean 廉政建设
- Reconsideration on High Salary to Keep Honest and Clean: Based on Supervising Game Models 再论高薪与养廉:基于监察博弈模型的解释
- Everyone should have the good quality to lead an honest and clean life. 每个人都应该具备洁身自好的美德。
- keep honest and clean 守法养廉
- The honest and clean husbands and wives have two sons and two daughter-in-laws. 威廉夫妇有两个儿子和两个儿媳。
- The Party and government institutions should remain honest and clean. 党政机关要廉洁。
- keeping honest and clean 中央苏区
- Governments at all levels and all cadres must stay honest and clean and abide by the law. 各级政府和所有干部都必须做到清正廉明,奉公守法。
- Besides, some inscriptions were for eulogizing an honest and clean government of officials or for bringing honor... 然而历经年深月久的自然损毁和人为破坏,它们或散落田间,或傲然崖上,只剩星点痕迹供人追寻。
- Hetang was an outstanding thinker in the middle of Ming Dynasty with honest and clean personality and lov... 在政治经济方面,他提倡经世致用,关注社会现实问题,是明代中期一位杰出的清廉正直、惠爱百姓的政治思想家。
- A series of strategies of Deng Xiao-ping's building an honest and clean government directs our government construction. 邓小平对反腐倡廉措施的一系列论述,为我们端正党风、搞好廉政建设、深入开展反腐败斗争指明了方向。
- Article 4 Judges shall be honest and clean, and unselfishly devoted to public duty, and shall not embezzle money or accept bribes. 第四条 法官应当清正廉明,克己奉公,不得贪污受贿。
- Bribe-taking not only contaminates an honest and clean government but also seriously corrodes national administration, hence impairs the normal function of a government. 摘要受贿行为不仅使国家工作人员职务行为的廉洁性受到玷污,而且严重腐蚀国家肌体,妨害国家职能的正常履行。
- One of the concernful works of international society regarding anti - corruption is to promote the construction of international regulations of honest and clean. 国际社会在反腐败领域的重要工作之一就是推动国际廉政规制建设。
- Sun's exploration on building an honest and clean government is of great theoretical and practical significance to intensifying clean and honest government construction. 孙中山的廉政探索,对于我们当今加强廉政建设具有重要的理论和现实意义。
- Be sure to keep your exercise books neat and clean! 练习本要保持整洁和干净。
- We must be honest and faithful to the people. 我们对人民必须忠诚老实。
- Keep your exercise-books neat and clean. 练习本要保持整洁干净。
- Let's start in and clean up the kitchen. 咱们开始打扫厨房吧。
- He was an honest and incorruptible official. 他为官清廉。