- Leave-One-Out估计Leave-One-Out generalization error estimate
- 浅谈leave的述谓结构系统On the Predication Structures of the Predicator "Leave
- costal margin 肋骨缘CM.m.
- 不能使用leave指令退出finally块。You cannot use a leave instruction to exit a finally block.
- running margin (英国术语)流动差额
- shutdown margin (反应性)停堆裕度
- leave指令清空计算堆栈并确保执行周围适当的finally块。The leave instruction empties the evaluation stack and ensures that the appropriate surrounding finally blocks are executed.
- LEAVE语句可用来指示接下去执行END FOR之后第一条语句。The LEAVE statement can be used to resume execution at the first statement after the END FOR.
- 下面的图解演示了控件的Padding和Margin属性。The following illustration shows the Padding and Margin properties on a control.
- 提示:a trip to, capital, ... kilometers, from... to..., leave,go, arrive, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
- Margin属性定义控件周围的空白,以使其他控件与该控件的边界保持指定的距离。The Margin property defines the space around the control that keeps other controls a specified distance from the control's borders.
- Control类现在具有Padding和Margin属性,因此一个控件可以声明并强制指定其间距要求。The Control class now has Padding and Margin properties so that a control can declare and enforce its spacing requirements.
- 通过展开“属性”窗口中的Margin项并将Top属性设置为5来更改选定控件的Margin属性。Change the Margin property of the selected control by expanding the Margin entry in the Properties window and setting the Top property to 5.
- 在XAML编辑器中,将TextBox元素的Width属性更改为140,将Margin元素更改为30,56,0,0,如下例所示。In the XAML editor, change the Width attribute of the TextBox element to 140, and change the Margin element to 30, 56, 0, 0, as shown in the following example.
- 每天结算、把损益过帐到保证金户头后,只要保证金余额高于规定的“维持保证金”水平,盘口持有人就不会收到“补仓通知”(margin call)。After each day's settlement,if the balance of his margin account is above the "maintenance margin" level of %244,000,Mr Tan will not get a "margin call".
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