- She is a student of keen observation. 她是一个观察力敏锐的学生。
- It is by keen observation that man acquires knowledge. 通过敏锐观察,人类就可以获得知识。
- Practice keen observation in your dreams through self-suggestion prior to sleep. 在睡前通过自我暗示,练习敏锐地观察你的梦。
- An umpire must be an entirely disinterested but keen observer. 裁判必须是个完全公正又敏锐的观察者。
- As an art form, rap music is impromptu and fast-paced, topical and insightful, requiring skills of language, nuance and keen observation, as well as emotional truth. 唱饶舌歌必须能够掌握音乐的节拍、说话的技巧和速度,以敏锐的观察力对时事做出一针见血的批判,并且表达内心真实的情感。
- He is a keen observer and has a good track record as an employee of Eco-Jet. 作为一名生态型喷气式飞机公司员工,他是一个精明的观察员,有良好的工作记录。
- She is a keen observer, and never flinched from pointing out the faults. 希望这把“最真实的声音”,能够抛砖引玉,引发一轮热烈的讨论。
- Here is the source where the artist finds its inspiration and has proofed himself a keen observer. 这儿有素材,能够唤起艺术家们的创作灵感,促使他们成为一名敏锐的观察者。
- A keen observer of English customs relates that, being in one of the rooms of the Bank one day, he had the curiosity to examine a gold ingot weighing some seven or eight pounds. 位对英国习惯十分熟悉的观察家,甚至这样说:有一天,在英国国家银行的一个大厅里,他好奇地挨近前去,想把一块七八斤重的金块看个究竟。
- She is a keen observer of even the cruelest workaday details, as when Nini is hungry enough to eat the flour paste being used to put up posters about Gu Shan’s imminent execution. 她对日常生活中的残酷的细节观察入微,如妮妮饿到竟然去吃浆糊,而她所吃的浆糊正是要用来张贴古珊不日即进行的处决的通告的。
- I'm very keen on outdoor sports. 我非常喜欢室外运动。
- These angry symptoms were keenly observed by Maggie, and cut her to the quick. 这些激怒的征兆,麦琪都看得很清楚,而且还深深地刺痛了她的心。
- I can not deny my keen anticipation of her visit. 我不能否认我热切期待她的来访。
- I'm not all that keen on baseball. 我根本就不喜欢棒球。
- He's very keen to see his home town. 他极渴望看到他的故乡。
- The blind have a keen sense of touch. 盲人有敏锐的触觉。
- Not both the artists have a keen eye for beauty. 这两位艺术家并非都有审美的眼光。
- I am very keen on outdoor sports. 我非常喜欢室外运动。
- He is keen as mustard in his work. 他对自己的工作非常着迷。
- He was taken into hospital for observation. 他被送进医院观察。