- justitia omnibus 真理面前人人平等
- Is the industry omnibus what is the blue ribbon? 行业综合性最高的荣誉是什么?
- Non licet omnibus adire Corinthum. 他说:“公共马车不从科林斯门前过。”
- Do not expect the man on the Ramallah omnibus to rejoice just yet. 千万别指望现在拉马拉的公交车上已经有人开始欢呼雀跃。
- Disgruntled and defeated omnibus owners and drivers groaned aloud. 心怀不满的和遭受挫折的公共马车商人和车夫高声叫骂着。
- His stories were later brought out in an omnibus edition. 他的小说后来出版了廉价普及本。这里指报纸的出版。
- Omnibus for, seek the order of auspicious acupuncture point. 总括来说,找寻吉穴的程序。
- Area can expand capacity continuously is an omnibus index. 区域可持续发展能力是一个综合性指标。
- He had never seen an omnibus at any time in the Buchingham Park Road. 他从来也没有见到公共马车在任何时候从白金汉公园路经过。
- Illi mars gravis incubat, qui notus nimis omnibus, ignotus moritur sibi. “如果一个人在死的时候,别人过于知道他,而自己不知道自己,那么死亡之降临可真是一桩大祸了”。
- Illi mors gravis incubat, qui notus nimis omnibus, ignotus moritur sibi. “人之将死,显赫于外而陌然于心,大祸也。”
- The Roman goddess of justice was called Justitia and was often portrayed as evenly balancing both scales and a sword and wearing a blindfold. 罗马的正义女神叫作“宙斯提提亚”。她通常被描述为:左手持一平衡的太平,右手持长剑,眼睛蒙着布。
- On TV with Omnibus and Young People's Concerts, he demystified serious music, making it exciting and fun. 他在电视上通过“集锦”“青年音乐会”等节目,使“严肃”音乐变得富有刺激性和逸趣横生,不再神秘。
- By way of network resource sharing, public library provide omnibus information service. 透过网路资讯共享,公共图书馆提供全方位的资讯服务。
- On TV with Omnibus and Young People's Concerts,he demystified serious music,making it exciting and fun. 他在电视上通过“集锦”“青年音乐会”等节目,使“严肃”音乐变得富有刺激性和逸趣横生,不再神秘。
- To prevent this, Congress and the Bush administration agreed on the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990. 为了防止这一点,国会和布什政府一致同意实施“1990年综合预算调节法”。
- Omnibus survey is a research carried out for a number of companies of different products. 综合性研究是对多家企业的产品的状况进行调研.
- Within two years he sold the idea of wedding Indianapolis and Marion County into an omnibus governmental unit. 不到两年,他实现下述主张:把印地安那波利斯市和马里恩县的政府联合起来。
- You have to explain it in terms that the man on the Clapham omnibus would understand. 你必须用老百姓能理解的语言来解释这事。
- Reproduction fastens inflammation to cause sexual dysfunction problem, the pathogeny is omnibus, and more complex. 生殖系炎症导致性功能障碍问题,病因是综合性的,而且比较复杂。