- But Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa says the election will go ahead. 但是津巴布韦司法部长帕特里克-奇纳马萨说,选举将如期举行。
- Nerves are also jangling at the zealous behaviour of the justice minister, Zbigniew Ziobro. 行为热烈的司法部长也是忧心重重。
- The justice minister, Sadullah Ergin, says the surveillance was legal and he may have been right. 司法部部长说这些监视都是合法的,或许他是正确的。
- Conscious of the divisive implications of the case, the Belgian justice minister consulted widely before ordering a review. 比利时司法部长深知这一案件纷争的内涵,因此在决定重新开审之前,进行了广泛的咨询。
- A court in the Rwandan capital Kigali has sentenced the former Justice Minister // to life imprisonmen for her part in the genocide in 1994. . 在卢旺达首都基加利的法庭做出了对参与1994年的种族灭绝惨案的前司法部长、、终身监禁的判决。
- French Justice Minister Rachida Dati (L) managed to upstage the country's new first lady Carla Bruni at the Elysee Palace dinner Monday night. 法国新任第一夫人布吕尼光彩夺目,不过在3月10日爱丽舍宫晚宴上,女司法部长达蒂(图左)的风头却盖过了这位前名模。
- In particular, the protesters are unhappy with Stefan Harabin, a controversial former justice minister who is now president of the Supreme Court. 这些抗议者尤其不满斯特凡.;哈拉宾,他是一个有争议的前司法部长但现今已是最高法院院长。
- ZESN said it received a letter from Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa on Friday saying that it would only be allowed 500 observers. 到星期二为止,有38个机构表示他们已经撤退,因为津巴布韦选举支持网路说,只有500名观察员被认可符合资格。
- Japan has carried out executions approximately every two months since the previous justice minister, Kunio Hatoyama, took office in August 2007. 从2007年8月上届法务大臣鸠山邦夫就任之后,日本几乎每两个月就执行一起死刑。
- Judges are appointed by the monarch on the recommendation of the Justice Minister and cannot be dismissed except by judicial sentence. 法官由司法部长推荐、国王任命,法官只有通过司法判决才能撤换。
- In the 1990s, Ma served as a corruption-busting justice minister, a role that alienated many powerbrokers within his own party. 在1990年代,马作为一名廉洁的司法部长,与党内的许多强势人物关系疏远。
- The justice minister, Clemente Mastella, had suggested that the national team's victory might earn the clubs a reprieve. 然而,假如意大利以为胜利了就能轻易走出它目前面临的另一个困境的话,就会让人瞧不起,其夺冠带来的利好效应也会因此消失一空。
- The 65th clause stipulates the president as the chairman of the Republic Supreme Court, with the justice minister as the vice chairman. 第65条规定,法国最高司法会议由共和国总统主持,司法部长则为副主席。
- And that we have some way to go before we can imbed it completely within it in our culture," said Betty Mould-Iddrissu, Ghana's justice minister. 奥巴马总统说,他之所以把加纳作为自己访问的第一个撒哈拉以南非洲国家,原因在于他希望彰显治理良好的稳定国家取得的成就,在这样的国家,领导人对人民负责,制度高于任何个人。
- In Slovakia, the justice minister called the special anti-corruption court, which has highly paid, security-vetted judges, a “fascist institution”. 在斯洛伐克有个特别的反腐法庭,该法庭拥有高薪且受到安全保护的法官,司法部长称这个法庭为“法西斯机构”。
- Afghan Deputy Justice Minister Mohammad Qasim Hashimzai says that heavily armed Taliban militants then stormed the compound and helped prisoners escape. 阿富汗司法部副部长哈希姆扎伊说,全副武装的塔利班激进分子随后冲进监狱,帮助囚犯逃离。
- After talks with Rachida Dati, the justice minister, the unions signed a deal this week, securing better working conditions and the creation of an extra 351 jobs. 在和司法部长RachidaDati商谈以后,工会达成协议,此协议保证狱警有更好的工作条件和再增加351个工作岗。
- "Jails should not only be a place for punishment. They need not be a permanent hell, they must also give opportunities to people," said Justice Minister Clemente Mastella. “监狱不只是惩罚人的地方。它们不应该永远是地狱。它们也应该给犯人机会,”司法部长克莱明特.;马斯塔拉说。
- No other minister seems to follow the globe-trotting Mr Sarkozy as much as Rachida Dati, his justice minister, and none is so scrutinised by the French media. 没有一个法国的部长能像司法部长RachidaDati这样随萨科齐总统到世界各地访问,也没有一位部长像她这样倍受法国媒体瞩目。
- The new internal-affairs minister is Kunio Hatoyama, another grandson of a prime minister, seen even by his friends as the most incompetent justice minister in memory. 新任总务大臣鸠山邦夫,也是一位前首相的孙子[前首相鸠山一郎,译注],即使在他的朋友看来也是已知最不称职的法务大臣。