- He has received a just punishment. 他已受到应得的惩罚。
- The thief received a just punishment. 小偷受到公正的惩罚。
- He received a just punishment which he deserved. 他得到了应有的惩罚。
- That man received a just punishment. 那个人受到了应得的惩罚。
- You will receive your just punish one day. 总有一天你会得到应有的惩罚!
- If do not tell the truth,just punishment can be suffered. 如果不说真话,就会受到惩罚。
- If does not tell the truth, just punishment can be suffered. 如果不说真话,就会受到惩罚。
- If do not tell the truth, just punishment can be suffered. 如果不说真话,就会受到惩罚。
- Furthermore, researchers found that the brain's pleasure centers lit up in males when just punishment was meted out. 此外,研究者发现,当公正的处罚被实施后男性大脑的乐感中心亮起来。
- That is a just punishment. 那是一个公正的惩罚。
- She had been raised in the bedroom of Solange Robillard, Ellen O'Hara's mother, a dainty, cold, high-nosed French-woman, who spared neither her children nor her servants their just punishment for any infringement of decorum. 她是在爱伦 - 奥哈拉的母亲索兰吉 - 罗毕拉德的卧室里养育大的,那位老太太是个文雅的高鼻子法兰西人,无论对自己的儿女或者仆人只要触犯法规便不惜给以应得的惩罚。
- Someone was embezzling from the king’s treasury, so the king issued an edict throughout all the land, saying, “Whoever is guilty, come forward and receive a just punishment of 10 public lashings. 有人从国王的国库偷了东西,于是国王在整个国家发布了一个通令,说:“是谁有罪,请自首接受正义的惩罚:鞭打10次。”
- Second, forgiveness loosens the stranglehold of guilt in the perpetrator. It allows the possibility of transformation in the guilty party, even if a just punishment is still required. 第二,冒犯者会被罪疚感箝制,而饶恕能将这箝制予以松绑。即使可能还是会有惩罚,但饶恕让冒犯者能有机会改变。
- His film and television credits include Just Punishment, Noah &Saskia, Neighbours, Guinevere Jones, Bootleg, Legacy of the Silver Shadow, Blue Heelers, Horace &Tina and High Flyers. 他的电影和电视剧包括了Just Punishment; Noah &Saskia; Neighbours; Guinevere Jones; Bootleg; Legacy of the Silver Shadow; Blue Heelers; Horace &Tina and High Flyers.
- She felt just the same as he did. 她和他的感受相同。
- He has just turned professional. 他刚转为专业人员。
- He was just punished for his crimes. Correction: He was justly punished for his crimes. 他犯了罪,受到公正的惩罚。
- Deserved fate; just punishment for wrong doing 报应;公正之惩罚
- He uses his loaf where you and I just muddle along. 他开动脑筋想办法,你我则糊里糊涂混日子。