- One of the many bitter lessons she learnt in her years as a Junior Minister was never to accept advice without double checking it herself. 她在作政务次官时学到的一个经验是,对各种意见的可靠性都要核实,否则不能轻易采纳。
- If any of the junior ministers makes a mistake the prime minister does not support them but throws them to the dogs. 要是资历较浅的大臣犯了错误,首相不但不支持他们,而且还要抛弃他们。
- Fadela Amara, the (Muslim) junior minister for inner cities, who has previously campaigned to defend women from traditionalist pressures, called it “a fatwa against the emancipation of women”. 为保护妇女免受传统压力而积极活动的年轻的城市事务部长(穆斯林)阿玛拉(FadelaAmara)声称“处女情结会阻碍妇女解放运动”。
- A junior minister from the former government was charged in February with fraudulently extracting cash from a Cuban scheme which supplied free energy-saving light bulbs to Jamaican households. 一名前政府政务次官在2月份被指控以欺诈手段从一项古巴方案中提取现金。此方案要求向牙买加家庭免费提供节能灯泡。
- On Tuesday Jacqui Smith, the home secretary, said that she would resign, along with a pair of junior ministers. 周二,英国内政大臣雅集-史密斯表示她将和两名下属一同辞职。
- There are critics on the backbenches and some junior ministers have quit, grumbling about Mr Brown's uncollegiate style. 对布朗非学院作法心怀不满,后座议员做出批评,一些年轻部长已经辞职。
- He reported on the whole event to the minister. 他把整个事件向部长做了汇报。
- And was it his fault that one of his Junior Ministers, Herbert Chorley, had chosen this week to act so peculiarly that he was now going to be spending a lot more time with his family? 那天这个特殊的对手出现在新闻中,不仅列举了上周发生的所有恐怖的事(好像有人需要提醒似的),而且说明了为什么全都是政府的错误。
- Mr. Heath is the former Prime Minister of Britain. 希思先生是英国前任首相。
- He likes to lord it over the junior staff. 他喜欢对下级职员逞威风。
- The minister is trying to improve his public image. 部长正在努力提高他自己的公众形象。
- She takes off the Prime Minister to perfection. 她模仿首相的样子维妙维肖。
- He is studying at a junior middle school. 他正在上初中。
- He was elected Minister of Education. 他被选为教育部长。
- She attend a course for junior hotel manager. 她参加初级饭店经理课程。
- The Prime Minister was dethroned by the President. 总理被总统废黜了。
- The Prime Minister was besieged by reporters. 首相被记者们团团围住。
- He is junior to me by two years. 他比我小两岁。
- The minister's enemies engineered his ruin. 部长的敌人密谋陷害他。
- Of the two clerks, he is the junior. 这两个职员中他职务较低。