a segment of DNA that can become integrated at many different sites along a chromosome (especially a segment of bacterial DNA that can be translocated as a whole)
jumping genes的用法和样例:
Instead, every time a germline stem cell divides by meiosis to make sperm in adults the jumping genes are activated only to be silenced soon thereafter. 而且在成体中生殖系干细胞产生精子的每一次减数分裂都伴随着跳跃基因的活化,而活化后很快就被沉默。
Similarly, it has been proposed that sexual reproduction evolved from ancient haloarchaea through a combination of jumping genes, and swapping plasmids. 类似地,有人提出有性生殖是通过嗜盐古菌的跳跃基因结合和交换质粒形成的。