- The main Judicial Remedy in Common Legal System is the Injunction, while in Civil Legal System it is the Judicial Guarantee. 英美法系国家关于信用证欺诈的司法救济措施主要是禁令,而大陆法系国家关于信用证欺诈的司法救济措施主要是司法保全。
- According to ensurence system, judicial remedy is applied to strike illegal activities of aggrieving public, collective and national interest. 若受到侵犯,又有相关的制度为保障机制,对此进行司法救济,打击侵犯国家利益、集体利益、公共利益的违法行为。
- Judicial Remedy for Administrative Guidance 中国行政指导的司法救济
- Judicial Remedy for Juvenile Delinquency 未成年犯罪的司法救济研究
- Administrative Brokerage and Its Judicial Remedy 谈行政居间及其司法救济
- On the Judicial Remedy of Penalties of Public Officials 论对公务员行政惩戒的司法救济
- In case of the Fraud of Letter of Credit (L/C), the most effective method is resorting to Judicial Remedies, pleading the court to issue and injunction to stop the payment. 摘要信用证欺诈发生以后,较有效的办法是诉诸司法救济,请求法院发布禁令强制银行停止向欺诈人付款。
- Article 35 Hong Kong residents shall have the right to confidential legal advice,access to the courts,choice of lawyers for timely protection of their lawful rights and interests or for representation in the courts,and to judicial remedies. 第三十五条 香港居民有权得到秘密法律咨询、向法院提起诉讼、选择律师及时保护自己的合法权益或在法庭上为其代理和获得司法补救。
- A Study of the Judicial Remedy of the Rights of the Civil Servant in China 公务员权利司法救济制度初探
- Several Problems in the Judicial Remedy of the Stockholders'Right to Know 股东知情权之司法救济中的几个问题
- Nowadays,the three existing judicial remedies have their demerits and the relevant logic and practice and legal provisions of adjudgement effects conflict with each other,which result in perplexity in academic circles and differences in judicial practice. 行政裁决的三种司法救济途径各有利弊,并且都面临理论与实践、法律规定与审判效果的冲突。 这些冲突造成了行政裁决理论研究的困惑和司法实践的不统一;
- Article 35 Hong Kong residents shall have the right to confidential legal advice, access to the courts, choice of lawyers for timely protection of their lawful rights and interests or for representation in the courts, and to judicial remedies. 第三十五条 香港居民有权得到秘密法律咨询、向法院提起诉讼、选择律师及时保护自己的合法权益或在法庭上为其代理和获得司法补救。
- Researching on Establishing Judicial Remedy to Pre - trial Detention in China 论确立审前程序人身保护令救济制度
- The plaintiff is seeking remedy through the court. 原告通过法院请示获得救济。
- Matter turning worse advise what remedy. 情况不妙,请电告补救方案。
- Judicial Remedies for Citizens'Basic Rights 公民基本权利的司法救济
- Judicial Remedies of Punishing Civil Servants 公务员惩戒行为的司法补救
- So that is your effective remedy. 原来那就是你们所谓的有效药物。
- The Judicial Remedies in Medical Tangle Cases 医疗纠纷案件实施司法救助分析
- If I made a mistake, I will try to remedy it. 我如果有错的话,我会改正的。