- The Supreme People's Court is the highest judicial organ. 第一百二十七条最高人民法院是最高审判机关。
- However, in practice, local judicial organs extend the definition of "property. 然而,在实践中,地方司法机关将定义的"财产"
- Article 127. The Supreme People's Court is the highest judicial organ. 第一百二十七条 最高人民法院是最高审判机关。
- Properties expropriated by the administrative law enforcement organs or judicial organs. 行政执法机关或者司法机关没收、追缴的财产.
- Article 123. The people's courts in the People's Republic of China are the judicial organs of the state. 第一百二十三条 中华人民共和国人民法院是国家的审判机关。
- China's judicial organs have a large number of women judges,procurators and lawyers. 在司法机构中有一大批女法官、女检察官、女律师。
- The judicial organs shall investigate the criminal responsibilities of those who violate the criminal law. 对触犯刑律的人员,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
- The people's courts of the People's Republic of China are the judicial organs of the state. 第一百二十三条中华人民共和国人民法院是国家的审判机关。
- Anyone who is lawfully arrested shall have the right to a fair trial by the judicial organs without delay and shall be presumed innocent until convicted by the judicial organs. 任何人在被合法拘捕后,享有尽早接受司法机关公正审判的权利,未经司法机关判罪之前均假定无罪。
- Judicial organs shall investigate the criminal responsibilities of those who have violated the criminal law. 触犯刑律的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任
- Shall be prosecuted for their criminal responsibility by judicial organs according to law. 由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
- The judicial organs of China consist of people's courts, people's procurator and the public security departments. 我国的司法机关由人民法院人民检查院和公安部门组成。
- Whoever commits a crime will be transferred to judicial organs and ascertained criminal responsibility. 构成犯罪的,依法移交司法机关追究其刑事责任。
- If a crime is constituted,the judicial organ shall investigate the criminal responsibility in accordance with law. 构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
- Many members of the democratic parties have assumed leading posts in organs of state power,government departments and judicial organs. 有许多民主党派人士担任了国家权力机关、政府部门和司法机关的领导职务。
- Public security and judicial organs crack down on crimes according to law,and protect citizens'legitimate rights and interests from being infringed. 公安、司法机关依法打击犯罪,保护公民的合法权利不受侵犯。
- To transfer the case to a judicial organ where an illegal act constitutes a crime. 违法行为已构成犯罪的,移送司法机关。
- If violations of these Regulations constitute crimes, the judicial organs shall investigate the criminal responsibilities according to law. 第三十二条违反本条例规定,已构成犯罪行为的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
- Letters from a prisoner to the higher authorities of the prison or to the judicial organs shall be free from examination. 罪犯写给监狱的上级机关和司法机关的信件,不受检查。
- Public security and judicial organs crack down on crimes according to law, and protect citizens' legitimate rights and interests from being infringed. 公安、司法机关依法打击犯罪,保护公民的合法权利不受侵犯。