- A U.S. federal officer of a judicial district who carries out court orders and discharges duties similar to those of a sheriff. 联邦司法区执政官美国司法区的联邦官员,负责实施法庭命令和征收税金,类似行政司法长官
- Many larger states are divided into two, three or even four judicial districts, depending on population, geography and caseload. 许多大的州根据人口、地理以及待处理案件数量等因素划分为两个、三个甚至四个司法管辖区。
- In British India, district commissioners had judicial powers. 在过去的英属印度,地区长官有审判权。
- circuit court:state court that holds sessions at several different places within a judicial district. 在一个司法区间几个不同地方开庭的政府法庭.
- The flood inundated the whole district. 洪水淹没了整个地区。
- a U.S. federal officer of a judicial district who carries out court orders and discharges duties similar to those of a sheriff 联邦司法区执政官美国司法区的联邦官员,负责实施法庭命令和征收税金,类似行政司法长官
- Judicial certification of the validity of a will. 遗嘱检验文件遗嘱有效的法律证明文件
- They have demolished the slum district. 贫民区已被拆除。
- This district grew cotton on a large scale. 这个地区过去大量种棉花。
- He lives in a mountainous district. 他住在山区。
- He was selected as the district attorney. 他被选为地方检察官。
- The applicant seek judicial review to quash the bind-over order. 申请人请求司法检查以便废除责令某人守法的命令。
- Cholera was rampant in the district. 这个区里霍乱蔓延十分严重。
- They are on holiday in the Lake District. 他们在英格兰湖区度假。
- The entire course of a judicial proceeding. 诉讼程序司法程序的全过程
- The regular session of a judicial assembly. 开庭司法集会的一次固定开庭
- Quite a few people have filed for district attorney. 好几个人已正式提出竞选地方检察官职位。
- The district under the jurisdiction of a constable. 治安官管辖区受一名治安官管辖的地区
- They've demolished the slum district. 贫民区已拆除。
- It will put a premium on drinking in the district. 这将助长地区内的酗酒风气。