- The entrustment of the parties concerned judicial authentication shall, generally speaking, be made via the law firms. 当事人委托司法鉴定时一般通过律师事务所进行。
- When a party to a litigation case is responsible for the burden of proof, he or she may entrust a judicial authentication institution for judicial authentication. 在诉讼案件中,在当事人负有举证责任的情况下,司法鉴定机构也可以接受当事人的司法鉴定委托。
- If an entrustment is made by mail, the judicial authentication institution shall, within 7 days after receiving the mail, decide in written form whether to accept the entrustment or not. 对于函件委托的,司法鉴定机构应当在收到函件之日起7日内作出是否受理的书面答复。
- Where a client raises any objection to a decision of a judicial authentication institution on whether to implement a recusal or not, the client may withdraw its commission of authentication. 委托人对司法鉴定机构是否实行回避的决定有异议的,可以撤销鉴定委托。
- An authenticator shall practice judicial authentication in an authentication institution. 鉴定人应当在一个鉴定机构中从事司法鉴定业务。
- A judicial authenticator shall undertake his practice in a judicial authentication institution. 司法鉴定人应当在一个司法鉴定机构中执业。
- The authenticator is in other relationship with any party to the present case that may affect the righteousness of judicial authentication. (四)与本案当事人有其他关系可能影响司法鉴定公正的。
- So judicial authenticator has a very important role, and he has been generally ratified by law and judicial authentication trade. 司法鉴定人是司法鉴定活动的实施主体,鉴定结论的制作者。
- Article 7A system of withdrawal, confidentiality, time limit and responsibility for wrong authentication shall be adopted for the practice of judicial authenticators. 第七条司法鉴定人执业实行回避、保密、时限和错鉴责任追究制度。
- Article 9 The judicial authentication institutions and judicial authenticators in conducting judicial authentication activities shall accept supervision according to law. 第九条司法鉴定机构和司法鉴定人进行司法鉴定活动应当依法接受监督。
- Article 7 Upon a legal notice of the people's court, a judicial authenticator shall take the stand in court and answer questions concerning the authentication matter. 第七条司法鉴定人经人民法院依法通知,应当出庭作证,回答与鉴定事项有关的问题。
- The entrustment of judicial authentication to be undertaken by an authenticator shall be uniformly accepted by the authentication institution for which he works. 鉴定人从事司法鉴定业务,由所在的鉴定机构统一接受委托。
- These General Rules shall apply to the activities of judicial authentication institutions and judicial authenticators engaging in various judicial authentication businesses. 本通则适用于司法鉴定机构和司法鉴定人从事各类司法鉴定业务的活动。
- Article 10 A judicial authentication institution shall strengthen the management and oversight of its judicial authenticators conducting judicial authentication activities. 第十条司法鉴定机构应当加强对司法鉴定人进行司法鉴定活动的管理和监督。
- judicial authentication conclusion 鉴定结论
- judicial authentication institution 司法鉴定机构
- conclusion of judicial authentication 司法鉴定意见
- The judicial authenticators shall conduct authentication independently, objectively and impartially according to law, and be responsible for the authentication opinions made by them respectively. 司法鉴定人应当依法独立、客观、公正地进行鉴定,并对自己作出的鉴定意见负责。
- Article 6 The judicial authentication institutions and judicial authenticators shall follow relevant laws, regulations, rules and the present Provisions in their judicial authentication activities. 第六条司法鉴定机构和司法鉴定人开展司法鉴定活动应当遵守有关法律、法规、规章和本通则的规定。
- Article 7 The judicial authentication institutions and judicial authenticators shall accept the supervision of the state, the general public, the parties concerned and the clients. 第七条司法鉴定机构和司法鉴定人从事司法鉴定活动应当接受国家、社会和当事人、委托人的监督。