- Qingdao Nissin Food Machinery is limited in 1989 to set up the Sino-Japanese joint venture enterprises. 青岛日清食品机械有限是1989年成立的中日合资经营企业。
- Apart from setting up joint venture enterprises, GE also invested more than 1 billion US dollars in China by means of airplane and container leasing. 除建立合资企业外,通用还通过飞机和集装箱租赁向中国投入十亿多美元。
- China Desi Electronics Co., Ltd. is a joint venture enterprises in China and Sweden, is a specific manufacturing sanitary ware manufacturer. 中国德思电子电器有限责任公司是中国和瑞典合资企业,是一家专一制造卫浴洁具的生产厂家。
- Being the special history reasons, joint venture enterprises played an important role in modern China's economic development. Its economic activities varied greatly and complexly. 由于特殊的历史原因,中外合资企业在近代中国经济发展过程中扮演了一个十分重要的角色,其经济活动变化多端,又纷繁复杂。
- Within 10 years effort, HMG Group has set up 7 subsidiaries, 11 branches, 7 representative offices and 2 joint venture enterprises and currently employs over 400 staffs. 经过10年的辛勤耕耘,集团已经发展成为拥有7家子公司、11家分公司、7家办事处和2家合资企业。
- Assistant to manager of accounting department of a joint venture enterprise. 一家合资企业会计部门经理的助理。
- Of this total,that of state-owned and state-holding enterprises is up 7.6%,that of collective enterprises is up 8.2%; share-holding enterprises is up 12.1%; joint venture enterprises is up 12.8%. 其中,国有及国有控股工业企业增长7.;6%25,集体企业增长8
- Of this total, that of state-owned and state-holding enterprises is up 7.6%, that of collective enterprises is up 8.2%; share-holding enterprises is up 12.1%; joint venture enterprises is up 12.8%. 其中,国有及国有控股工业企业增长7.;6%25,集体企业增长8
- In recent years, with the development of market economy in China, more and more deadlocks have emerged in limited liability Corporation, especially in Chinese-foreign joint venture enterprises. 近年来,随着我国市场经济的发展,僵局在我国有限责任公司中,尤其是中外合资企业中越来越多地涌现,公司僵局问题成为社会各界关注的焦点。
- Nanjing style shelves in the new Limited is a joint venture enterprises, with the design, production and sales in one color titanium profiles and accessories for professional enterprises. 南京风格货架有限公司是中新合资企业,具有设计、生产、销售于一体的彩色钛合金型材及配件之专业企业。
- This company is a joint venture enterprise in Shanghai of German IKS Klingelnberg which shares 80% of its ownership. 本公司是德国爱凯思克林贝格有限公司在上海的合资企业,德方控股80%25。
- Be able to provide the joint venture enterprise with a sufficient amount of risk collateral or risk security and the related letter of guarantee. 能够向合营企业提供足够数额的风险抵押金或风险保证金保函。
- Investment with stock right: A joint venture enterprise will be established with co-managing, co-taking risks and co-sharing profit. 股权式投资:建立合资企业、共同经营管理、共担风险、共享利润。
- It's a modernized joint venture enterprise,which specialized in manufacturing PVC calendered film, PVC decorative materials and PVC artificial leather. 2004年5月被认定为省高新技术企业。
- The company is Chinese-foreign joint venture enterprise by producing the management exportation drawnwork product primarily. 沧州华日抽纱制品有限公司是以生产经营出口抽纱制品为主的中外合资企业。
- In response, Huang has said publicly, is to circumvent the Ministry of Commerce on the proportion of foreign joint venture enterprise business requirements (no more than 65%). 中英文对照:对此,黄曾公开表示,是为规避商务部对合资商业企业外资比例的规定(不超过65%25)。
- Lucas Varity Langzhong Brake Co., Ltd. (LVLB) is a Sino-US joint venture enterprise, the US partner is TRW Automotive company, the world leader in automotive safety supplies. 卢卡斯伟利达廊重制动器有限公司是一家中美合资企业,美方是世界汽车安全系统行业的先驱和领导者-美国天合汽车公司(TRW)。
- Shanghai Kaili Pump Making Co.,Ltd. is a joint venture enterprise specializing in the production of various pumps.There are many kinds of sort and complete specification. 上海开立泵业制造有限公司系合资企业,是专业生产各种水泵产品的企业,产品品种繁多,规格齐全。
- Shanghai Kaili Pump Making Co.,Ltd. is a joint venture enterprise specializing in the production of various pumps.There are many kinds of sort and complete specification. 上海开立泵业制造有限公司系合资企业,是专业生产各种水泵产品的企业,产品品种繁多,规格齐全。
- Established in 1993, is located in Beijing TongZhou Industrial Development Zone. In 2001 it was transformed from a joint venture enterprise to a wholly foreign owned enterprise. 成立于1993年,位于通州工业开发区,于2001年从合资公司转为法国独资的公司。