- analogous necessary joinder of parties 类似必要共同诉讼
- The tinsel of parties and promotional events. 华而不实的晚会和促销活动
- Her life was a whirl of parties. 她的生活在参加宴会中度过。
- Her life is one long round of parties and fun. 她的生活就是没完没了的聚会娱乐。
- Her life was one long whirl of parties. 她的生活就是接连不断的聚会。
- A combination of parties formed the new government. 各政党联合组成新政府。
- joinder of parties 共同诉讼; 多方当事人合并的诉讼
- A round of parties ushered in the New Year. 一系列的晚会迎来了新年。
- The endless succession of parties wore us out. 接连不断的聚会把我们累垮了。
- A fusion is a coalition of parties. 联合就是各个党派结成联盟。
- The views of party leaders coalesced to form a coherent policy. 党的领导人的各种观点已统一为一致的政策。
- There was a round of parties to celebrate our graduation. 举行了一连串的聚会庆祝我们毕业。
- Abstract:Collateral appeal has five features: dependency, dual litigatory status of the parties, purposed confrontation, uniqueness without scope limitation, and joinder of hearings. 摘要:附带上诉具有依附性、当事人诉讼地位的双重性、目的上的对抗性、不服范围的惟一性、审理上的合并性共5个特征。
- What is this? What kind of party organizer is he? 搞什么嘛?他算哪种聚会主办人?
- I think that the court should employ the principle of joinder of punishments for plural crimes of contract fraud. 认为对于合同诈骗罪同种数罪,应实行数罪并罚。
- This is the inviolability of Party consolidation. 这是整党的严肃性。
- Analyze the concept, the example of legislation, theory oriention, and essence of the imaginative joinder of offenses. 这往往是由于该行为具有多重属性或造成了多种结果而造成,其本质上是实质数罪的竞合。
- Numerosity: The class is so numerous that joinder of all members is impracticable. 人数众多以至于将所有人加入到一般共同诉讼不现实。
- What is this? What kind of party organizer is he ? 搞什么嘛?他算哪种聚会主办人?
- The imaginative joinder of offenses is an important appearance of the theory of the number of offenses. 想象竞合犯是罪数理论中的一个重要形态。