- job step control block 作业步控制程序块
- In batch or remote batch entry, a job or job step. 在批处理或远程批处理输入中的一个作业或作业步。
- job step control 作业步控制
- The storage control block address is invalid. 存储控制块地址无效。
- The name of the proxy that the job step runs as. 作业步骤作为代理运行时,代理的名称。
- VMBLOCK? Virtual Machine control BLOCK? 虚拟机控制块?
- Every job must have at least one job step. 每个作业必须至少有一个作业步骤。
- The number of measuring units from an arbitrary starting point in a record, area, or control block, to some other point. 以记录、区域或控制块中的任意起始点到另一个点之间的测量单位数。
- A proxy can be used in more than one job step. 一个代理可用于多个作业步骤。
- Used to synchronize access to the file control block. 用于同步对文件控制块的访问。
- In the New Job Step dialog box, type a job Step name. 在“新建作业步骤”对话框中,键入作业“步骤名称”。
- Procedure that SQL Server Agent calls during job step execution. 在作业步骤执行期间SQL Server代理调用的过程。
- Identify the scripting language in which the job step is written. 确定编写作业步骤所使用的脚本语言。
- The id number of the proxy that the job step runs as. 作业步骤作为代理运行时,代理的ID号。
- A control block containing information related to sensor I / O operations. 一种含有与传感器输入输出操作有关信息的控制块。
- List, click the action to perform if the job step fails. 列表中,单击作业步骤失败时要执行的操作。
- Mouse control block puzzles display, it can be rotating block puzzles. 鼠标控制摆放拼图块,点击后可旋转拼图块。
- Number of job steps the job has. 作业具有的作业步骤数。
- A job control language ( JCL ) statement that marks the beginning of a job step and identifies the program to be executed or the cataloged or in-stream procedure to be used. 一种作业控制语言(JCL)语句,标志一个作业步的开始,并标识出将执行的程序,或者所使用的编目过程或流内过程。
- STEP Electrical step control for the action of exit and return. In case of failure, the step can be opened manually. 客车自动踏步机构电控踏步伸缩。遇有故障,可以手动开启踏步。