- No jealous husband killed his unfaithful wife, nobody died in a bar room brawl, no criminal took the life of his victim. 诸如嫉妒的丈夫杀死不忠的妻子,在酒吧殴斗中丧生,落到罪犯手中被害之类的事一件也没有。
- In my role as a jealous husband, I was supposed to pick up an alarm clock and stare malevolently at its face while delivering my surly comments. 我的角色是个爱猜疑的丈夫,我被假定见到了一个闹钟,不怀好意地看着闹钟表面,说出我无理的台词。
- Othello was a jealous husband. 奥赛罗是位妒忌心重的丈夫。
- She was a bit queer after her husband deserted her. 她遭丈夫遗弃後精神有点失常。
- Her husband is unfaithful to her. 她的丈夫对她不忠。
- He is hound out of his job by jealous rival. 他受到忌妒他的竞争者的算计而被迫离职。
- Her sublimate future husband will be tall, dark, and handsome. 她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊。
- My husband is a history teacher at the local school. 我丈夫是本地学校的一位历史教师。
- He was hounded out of his job by jealous rivals. 他受到忌妒他的竞争者的算计而被迫离职。
- They may feel jealous of his success. 他们也许妒嫉他的成功。
- Mary accused her husband of snore too loudly. 玛丽指责她丈夫打呼噜太响。
- The accident bereaved her of her son and husband. 那次事故夺去了她的儿子和丈夫。
- He is jealous of his colleague's success. 他嫉妒同事的成功。
- He was jealous of nobody's achievements. 他不嫉妒任何人的成就。
- My husband will go berserk if he finds you here. 要是我丈夫发觉你在这里,他会气疯的。
- He was jealous of Tom/of Tom's success. 他妒羡汤姆[汤姆的成就]。
- He noted the disharmony between husband and wife. 他觉察出这对夫妇不太和睦。
- We are jealous of our hard-won freedom. 我们珍惜得来不易的自由。
- I can't say I'm wild about her new husband. 我很难说我非常喜欢她的新婚丈夫。
- Scotty is quite jealous, naturally. 毫无疑问,我们家的小狗Scotty嫉妒得不行。