- After surgery you may experience jaw muscle stiffness and limited opening of your mouth. This is normal and will improve in 5 to 10 days. 手术后您可能经历颚肌肉之僵硬及开口困难。这是正常的,且在5至10天内改善,请每天练习开口运动及热敷。
- The jaw muscles are almost always involved (lockjaw). 咬肌几均受累,此为lockjaw名称的由来。
- Giant pandas have large molar teeth and strong jaw muscles for crushing tough bamboo. 为咬碎坚韧的竹子,大熊猫有大的磨牙牙齿和强壮的颚肌肉。
- For headache treatment, Botox is injected into periorbital, frontalis, temporalis, and sometimes jaw muscles. 治疗时,肉毒素分别注射于眶周,前额,颞肌,有时注射于下颌肌肉。
- Neuroscientists at the Universities of Michigan at Ann Arbor and Maryland injected saltwater into the jaw muscles of healthy young male volunteers to cause pain. 美国安娜堡密西根大学及马里兰大学的神经科学家,把盐水注射到年轻男性志愿者的下巴肌肉以引起疼痛。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- In chronic MMM there is atrophy of the jaw muscles, and scarring of the masticatory muscles due to fibrosis may result in inability to open the mouth (trismus). 慢性咀嚼肌肌炎中,下颌肌肉萎缩、咀嚼肌纤维化,这将导致犬只无法张口。
- It also alerts the shivering person to go someplace warmer, add clothing or drink something hot.Your teeth start chattering when the twitching gets to your jaw muscles. 同样是警告颤抖的人要去比较暖的地方,加多衣服或饮一些热品,当颤搐到了你的下巴肌肉时你的牙齿会开始发出啁啾声。
- A muscle in his jaw pulsed angrily. 他下巴的肌肉愤怒地抽动着。
- I hit the man fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚击中了那个人的下巴。
- He delivered a hard blow to my jaw. 他朝我的下巴施以重重的一击。
- He laid the attacker low with a punch to the jaw. 他一拳击中攻击他的人的下颚,把他打倒在地。
- On hearing the news, his jaw dropped. 听到这个消息,他惊讶得张口结舌。
- The party's political muscle is growing. 该党的政治力量在增强。
- It'll take a lot of muscle to remove the rock. 搬走那块石头要费很大的力气。
- He has a lot of muscle and mustard. 他力气大干劲足。
- A canine tooth of the upper jaw. 上颚犬齿上颚的一个犬齿
- He gave the rogue a smash on the jaw. 他朝那流氓的下巴猛击一拳。
- A muscle with two heads or points of origin. 二头肌起端有两个头或端的肌肉
- A strong square jaw is a sign of firm character. 强健的方颚是性格坚定的象征。