- He broke the world record in the javelin throw. 他打破了标枪的世界记录。
- The most common injuries in javelin throw training were elbow joint throw. 标枪训练中最常见的创伤主要是肘关节损伤。
- In the javelin throw, the left leg plays the roles of guiding, braking and sustaining in the join of cross steps and final force. 投掷标枪中,左腿在交叉步与最后用力的衔接中起到了引导、动和支撑的作用。
- The Russian competitor Andrew Moloyev won first place in the men's javelin throw event, with a result of 85.18 meters. 俄罗斯选手安德烈·莫鲁耶夫获男子标枪第一名,成绩为85米18。
- August 23 2008,Norway athlete THORKILDSEN Andreas set a new world record in Men's Javelin Throw Final,90.57m. 51 8月23日,男子标枪决赛,挪威名将索尔基德森夺冠,并创造了新的奥运会纪录,成绩:90米57;
- The athletes had to compete in the broad jump, javelin throw, a footrace, discus throw, and wrestling. 参赛者在跳远、标枪、赛跑、铁饼、摔跤等五项比赛中竞相角逐。
- Calvin Moriss. Biomechanical analysis of the Men's javelin throw at the 1995 world championships in athletics, Track coach, 4 661-4 670. 中国体育教练员岗位培训教材.;田径[M]
- What about javelin throw? She was 42nd at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens and supports her sporting ambition by modelling. 她的标枪水平怎么样呢?在2004年雅典奥运会中,她排名42.;为了(筹钱)支撑她的体育梦想,她做了模特。
- What about javelin throw? She was 42nd at the 2004 Asian Games in Athens and supports her sporting ambition by modelling. 她的标枪水平怎么样呢?在2004年雅典亚运会中,她排名42。为了(筹钱)支撑她的体育梦想,她做了模特。
- What's the most important technique for javelin throwing? 投标枪最为重要的技巧是什么?
- It needs us to probe the skills and the teaching principle in order to make the students to master standing javelin throw skill in limited teaching time. 因而,如何在有限的教学时数内,使学生较好、快地掌握原地掷标枪技术,就需要我们去探索其技术内涵,研究其教法规律。
- He poised the javelin in his hand before throw it. 他把手中标枪握稳後掷了出去。
- Babe was the entire team.At the Olympics, she won the javelin throw, and the high hurdles, and finished second in the high jump, after a jump-off in which she lost to Jean Shiley (USA). 在1932年美国田径运动会上,迪德里克森开始展露头角,在奥运会上,她曾经获得标枪,跨栏的金牌,同时还获得跳高银牌。
- The score of javelin throwing is closely related with the run-up speed and the highest speed point in throwing. 掷标枪成绩与助跑速度、速度峰值密切相关 ;标枪出手时机应与最大速度峰值的出现相吻合 .
- A study of elbow joint injuries in javelin throw 对标枪训练中肘关节损伤的研究
- Paraguayan javelin thrower, Leryn Franco, may be the deadliest beauty at these Games, according to India's IANS News Agency. 据印度亚洲通讯社(IANS)报道,巴拉圭标枪运动员莱琳-弗朗哥可能是这届奥运会中最美艳绝伦的选手了。
- He's the best javelin thrower in U.S. history, having medaled at the 2007 World Championships (the Scandinavians rule the sport). 在2007年世锦赛(斯堪的纳维亚主办)上得奖之后,他成了美国历史上最优秀的标枪运动员。
- The original Greek games included footraces, the discus and javelin throws, the long jump, boxing, wrestling, the pentathlon, and chariot races. 最初奥运会举行赛跑、铁饼、标枪、跳远、拳击、摔跤、五项全能、马车赛等其他项目。
- Women rs Javelin Throw Medal Ceremony 男子撑杆跳高颁奖仪式