- An iterative algorithm is introduced to solve the problem of generality of the kinematics simulation system of robots. 引入了迭代型算法来解决机器人运动学仿真系统的通用性问题。
- The image bellow shows a terrain artificially generated by a very simple iterative algorithm. 下面的地形是用非常简单的迭代算法生成的。
- An iterative algorithm is discussed for ML detection of a certain class of Space - time Codes ( STCs). 为了探讨某一类型空时码的最大似然检测的迭代算法。
- All the major types of reconstruction approaches are discussed, including exact algorithms, approximate algorithms, and iterative algorithms. 文中涉及各种主要重建算,法包括准确重建,近似重建和迭代重建算法。
- Three iterative algorithms, ART、MAP and OSEM, are attempted to reconstruct the section of steel tube by using the simulation model. 为了加快钢管检测的速度,本文研究了少投影条件下钢管截面的图像重建算法并通过模拟数据验证了其重建的效果。
- This paper proposes a new method for improving the consistency of judgement matrix and gives a simple practical iterative algorithm. 提出了判断矩阵一致性修正的一种新方法,并给出了其简洁、实用的迭代算法。
- An iterative algorithm is advanced to work out contact length and vertical load and frictional force distribution in longitudinal direction. 采用迭代算法计算了印迹长度及垂直载荷与摩擦力在纵向的分布。
- An iterative algorithm for the interface between the HVDC dynamic phasor model and the AC system is then investigated by hybrid simulation. 通过混合仿真研究了HVDC动态相量模型与交流系统之间的接口迭代算法。
- This paper considers a class of random generalized variational inclusions with random fuzzy mappings.A new random iterative algorithm is constructed. 摘要文章引入和研究一类带随机模糊映射的随机广义变分包含问题,构造了一个新的随机迭代算法;
- A pesudo-wavefront subspace iterative algorithm is presented and applied to solve the gyroscopic eigenproblem related to the blade dynamic frequencies. 根据不同变形位置动频的变化,形成叶片几何非线性的一种度量,即其具有相对弯、扭自由度的弱负立方非线性。
- A modified iterative algorithm based on Match Pursuit is designed for overcoming the "short sight" of the Match Pursuit. 为了克服匹配追踪算法的“短视”性,改进了匹配追踪算法,提出了一种迭代的匹配追踪算法。
- It was indicated that max difference method could solve this puzzledom, the iterative algorithm will converge to the desired result. 提出应用极限差值法优化设计冷轧规程,结合显式轧制力公式,规避了迭代发散问题,可用于各种目标函数下的规程优化设计。
- An effective iterative algorithm for computing the closest dynamic oscillatory stability margin in full parameter space was proposed. 提出了全参数空间下的最近动态电压振荡型失稳边界的计算方法。
- An iterative algorithm (Part One) takes one step at a time, ensuring that each step makes progress while maintaining the loop invariant. 迭代算法通过每步保持循环不变量而不断向前推进,最终达到目标状态,解决问题;
- In the end,through two representative examples,synthesis of pattern for square area and China mainland,LCMV proves to be superior to conventional iterative algorithms. 最后用两个具有代表性的例子;分别对方形区域和中国本土进行赋形;证明了LCMV方法的优点.
- Then using this auxiliary variational inequality, established the iterative algorithm for mixed quasi-variational-like inclusion. 然后,通过这一辅助形式建立混和拟似变分包含问题解的迭代算法。
- The authors first set up asynchronous parallel multi-splitting relaxed iterative algorithm for solving the linear complementarity problem. 将求解线性方程组的异步并行多分裂松弛迭代算法推广到线性互补问题。
- Numerical results show that the iterative algorithm converges fast and the precise results of modal parameters can be obtained. 数值结果表明,该算法的参数辨识精度高且结果收敛迅速。
- An algorithm about exclusive signal reconstruction using spectral magnitude and some samples is studied in this article: iterative algorithms with random disturbing. 介绍了一种利用幅度谱和部分采样值唯一重构信号的算法:带随机扰动的迭代算法。
- A new iterative algorithm is put forward based on Hungarian method of the combinatorial theory and the optimized results are better than ever. 针对这一问题,基于组合论中的匈牙利法提出了一种新的迭代算法。