- It can issue shares, or units of its capital, to institutional investors or the gener al public. 它可以面向金融机构投资者或者广大公众发行股票或单位股权资本。
- II) To issue shares, a company needs to be limited by shares but under British laws this will prevent it from gaining tax-exempt status. 为了可以提供股权,借贷方必须注册为一家股份制公司,但在英国法律下,股份公司将不能获得免税资格。
- In a recent paper, Mark Kamstra and I proposed that governments issue shares in their GDP, with each share amounting to a trillionth of GDP. 我和卡姆斯塔最近发表论文建议,政府发行GDP的股份,每一股的价值为GDP的一万亿分之一。
- Most of these activities are related to what is called“ underwriting” whereby an investment bank commits to buy the new issue shares of a company for resale to the investing public. 这些活动大多数与承销有关,由此投资银行许诺购买一家公司的新股票并转售给投资大众。
- If suppliers and advisers can be dragged into class actions, it would no longer even be necessary to issue shares in the United States to incur securities liability, points out Peter Wallison of the American Enterprise Institute, a think-tank. 来自美国企业研究所智囊团的皮特华而森指出,如果供应商和顾问能被牵扯到共同起诉中,那么就不会甚至没必要出现在美国发行股票而招致证券债务的情况。
- Most of these activities are related to what is called "underwriting" whereby an investment bank commits to buy the new issue shares of a company for resale to the investing public. 这些活动大多数与承销有关,由此投资银行许诺购买一家公司的新股票并转售给投资大众。
- Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomerate he runs, said it would vote against Kraft's proposal to issue shares because of concerns that it would use too much of its stock to finance its bid for Cadbury. 伯克希尔-哈萨维,巴菲特的投资公司发表申明,申明其反对卡夫的新股发行方案,因为新股的发行会占用其过多的股份来支持对吉百利的收购案。
- Companies needed to raise billions of dollars by issuing shares and bonds; somebody had to underwrite them. 各大企业需求大量美金来发放股票和债务;那就要一些人为其担保承诺。
- After the purchase, Bank of America will hold 19.13 percent, or 44.7 billion of CCB's issued shares. 购买后,美国银行持有19.;13%25的股权,中国建设银行44
- Issued shares that have been reacquired by the corporation and not yet resold or cancelled. 指公司收回已发行股票尚未再出售或注销者。
- A certain percentage of its total issued shares is held by the securities investment trust enterprise. 三、证券投资信讬事业持有其已发行股份总数达一定比率股份。
- As part of the agreement, GECF will acquire newly issued shares in SDB valued at US$100 million. 作为协议的一部分,通用电气将会以1亿美元认购深发展新发行股份。
- World荣兆industry analysis, to be issued shares of the assets purchased with good profitability. 世荣兆业分析,本次发行股份拟购买的资产具有良好的盈利能力。
- HRL will, on or prior to the date of execution of this Agreement, procure that HRLDI issue an additional share so that it has an issued share capital of 2 shares. HRL会,在或之上在这协议的实行的日期之前,获得,HRLDI发行另外的部份以便它有2的被发行的部份首都部份。
- Do not part with the shares on any account. 无论如何不要放弃这些股票。
- Flotation The process of changing a private company into a public company by issuing shares and soliciting the public to purchase them. 私有公司通过发行股票,并邀请公众购买股票而成为公开公司的过程。
- The separation of a subsidiary or division of a corporation from its parent by issuing shares in a new corporate entity. 指公司通过发行新公司的股票,将公司分支机构或部门从公司中拆离出去的行为。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- Are you, either alone or with your spouse, in control of 35% or more of the issued shares of any corporate client of Guotai Junan? 閣下是否個人或與閣下的配偶共同控制任何國泰君安的公司客戶35%25以上的股權?
- Even an oversight in the design might issue in heavy losses. 设计中那怕是一点点疏忽也可能造成重大的损失。