- issue payment receipt 填开纳税凭证
- I am normally invoiced, and upon receipt of bags I will issue payment. 我通常开发票, 并且收到袋子后我将发布付款。
- X: Please show me your tax payment receipt and tax return forms. 谢:请出示您的完税凭证和税单。
- This is my registration certificate and this is the tuition payment receipt. 这是我的注册证明,这是学费缴付收据。
- Issue payment in accordance to payment voucher amount. 按付款凭证所列金额正确支付现金、启付款凭证。
- This is my registration certificate and this is the tuition payment receipt. 这是我的注册证明,这是学费缴付收据。
- NB The original and extra copy of the policy, plus payment receipt, will be sent to you for forwarding to your mortgagee/bank. 注:保单正本及副本,连同保费之正式收据,将稍后一并寄上,以便阁下送交按揭公司或银行。
- Application form without attaching the original payment receipt will not be processed. (没有贴上缴费收据正本的申请表将不获处理。)
- After your payment request is made and your account is in good-standing we will issue payment to you within 30. 在你的支付要求发出而且你的帐户运作良好,我们将确信在30天内给你付款。
- Points will be recorded into your Cuvee member card. Please keep original payment receipt or bank statement (on-line payment) for points registration. 会员因特殊原因未将消费情况登记入积分卡,请保留收银单或银行对帐单(网上支付),致电本公司进行补登。
- The valid business registration certificate with payment receipt line should also be returned for amendment and replacement. 请将有收费机印的有效商业登记证一并交回,以供修订及更换。
- N.B. The original and extra copy of the policy, plus payment receipt, will be sent to you for forwarding to your mortgagee/bank. 注:保单正本及副本,连同保费之正式收据,将稍后一并寄上,以便阁下送交按揭公司或银行。
- When am I paid? After your payment request is made and your account is in good-standing we will issue payment to you within 30 days. 何时得到付款?答:如果你的账户合法,没有作弊,会在30天后收到支票。
- If you do not receive the payment receipt three days prior to the course commencement date, please check with the Enrolment Section at 2209 0290 or respective programme staff. 如在开课前三天仍未收到收据,请致电2209 0290与报名组或课程负责职员联络。
- Please complete this form to register. On completion, Please send it with a copy of your payment receipt to the WFCMS Department of Academic Exchange by fax or email. 请在电子版上用中文或英文填写或下载此表格,填写之后连同注册付款收据副本通过传真或电子邮件发至世界中联学术部。
- When a tax authority collects taxes, it must issue tax payment receipts to the taxpayers. 第三十四条税务机关征收税款时,必须给纳税人开具完税凭证。
- Where the taxpayer pays taxes through a bank, the tax organ may authorize the bank to issue tax payment receipts. 纳税人通过银行缴纳税款的,税务机关可以委托银行开具完税凭证。
- Please fill in the subscription form and mail it along with the payment receipt to Rm.704,7/ F.,17-19, Jubilee Street, United Building, Central. An official receipt will be mailed to you. *请填妥及列印订阅表格,并在存款后,连同银行入数纸,邮寄至中环租庇利街17-19号,顺联大厦7字楼,704室,以便我们发出收据。
- VAT indicated on the tax payment receipts obtained from the customs office. 从海关取得的完税凭证上注明的增值税额。
- Payment: check payment applications, purchase orders, original invoices/bills; issue payments including Forex payment upon proper management approvals. 付款:审核付款申请单,采购订单,原始发票及账单;根据公司管理部门的批准执行外部付款。