- Opinion is divided on the issue of taxes. 关於税捐问题,大家意见分歧。
- Public opinion has polarized on this issue. 在这个问题上公众的意见已两极分化。
- The AICPA created APB issued opinion as GAAP, in addition, It appointed a independent Accounting Research Division (ARD) to study basic postulates and broad principles. ARD quickly completed its mission. 开始,AICPA组建APB去制订作为公认会计原则的APB意见书,同时,它又组建立独立的会计研究部,研究基本会计假设和广泛适用的企业会计原则。
- There is broad consensus (of opinion) in the country on this issue. 对这一问题举国上下(舆论)普遍一致。
- The vice president gave an off-the-record opinion on the issue. 副总统就这一问题发表了私人的意见。
- His opinion differs entirely from mine. 他的意见和我的完全不同。
- I changed my plan in deference to your opinion. 我听从你的意见,改变了计划。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- The party is trailing badly in the opinion polls. 该党在民意测验中大大失利。
- Facts militate against this opinion. 事实不能说明这个论点。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- He held an opinion quite adverse to Comrade Wang's. 他和王同志持绝然相反的意见。
- As regards that matter I'm quite of your opinion. 关于那件事,我很同意你的意见。
- Even an oversight in the design might issue in heavy losses. 设计中那怕是一点点疏忽也可能造成重大的损失。
- She has a rather poor opinion of your written work. 她认为你的书面作业不太好。
- We don't want to personalize the issue. 我们不想把问题搞得个人化了。
- At all events we should listen to his opinion. 无论如何,我们该听他的意见。
- That's my opinion and I stand or fall by it. 那是我的意思,而且无论如何我也要坚持。
- I would rather not venture an opinion. 我宁愿不要冒昧地发表意见。