- issue of public trust 公信力问题
- The trust property of public trust and its proceeds must not be used for non-public purposes. 第六十三条公益信托的信托财产及其收益,不得用于非公益目的。
- The trustee of a public trust must not resign without the approval of the regulatory agency of public undertakings. 第六十六条公益信托的受托人未经公益事业管理机构批准,不得辞任。
- It was up to WIPO to address the issue of public domain as a revised standard. 它取决于WIPO把公共领域的问题作为修订的标准。
- The consequence of course, is diminution of public trust in these once august institutions. 这种进程的后果当然是减低了这些曾经是令人敬畏的院校的公共机构的公信力。
- Powell had arrived in office with a full acount in the bank of public trust, but he had allowed Bush to spend it profligately. 鲍威尔就职时,公众信任度极高,但是他任由布什肆意挥霍。
- In the end, the most destruction was dealt to innocent bystanders caught up in the mess, which caused an unprecedented loss of public trust in companies and financial markets. 而最后,灾难性的后果由卷入其中的无辜旁观者承担,导致公众对公司和金融市场的信任达到前所未有的低点。
- The State applies a unified system for the issue of public meteorological forecast and severe weather warning. 国家对公众气象预报和灾害性天气警报实行统一发布制度。
- The politician cops out on the issue of free trade. 那政客对自由贸易的问题只是一味逃避。
- This is an issue of the utmost importance. 这是一个极为重要的问题。
- The regulatory agency of public undertakings shall change the trustee if the trustee of public trust violates the trust obligations or doesn't have the capacity to perform his duties. 第六十八条公益信托的受托人违反信托义务或者无能力履行其职责的,由公益事业管理机构变更受托人。
- This is not an issue of the utmost importance. 这不是一个很重要的问题。
- Dr.Philip Pizzo, Stanford's medical school dean,said that in recent years there has been an erosion(10) of public trust in the profession of medicine and even in the value of science. 斯坦福大学医学院院长菲利普.;皮索博士指出近些年来公众对医学界甚至科学价值的信任度降低了。
- Opinion is divided on the issue of taxes. 关於税捐问题,大家意见分歧。
- Dr.Philip Pizzo, Stanford's medical school dean,said that in recent years there has been an erosion of public trust in the profession of medicine and even in the value of science. 斯坦福大学医学院院长菲利普.;皮索博士指出近些年来公众对医学界甚至科学价值的信任度降低了。
- Article 22 The State applies a unified system for the issue of public meteorological forecast and severe weather warning. 第二十二条 国家对公众气象预报和灾害性天气警报实行统一发布制度。
- On the one hand, only in the process of legal application can judicial explanation obtain the force of public trust and the authoritative effect on forcing the involved to perform the sentence. 一方面,司法解释只有在法律适用程序中作出才能获得公信力,才能取得促使当事人履行判决的权威性效果。
- The debate aroused not a speck of public interest. 这次争论没有引起公众丝毫的兴趣。
- The issue of how to provide adequate child care. 如何提供适当的儿童护理的难题
- A better approach is to view computer security as an issue of public health and economics, in which people can protect themselves but must pay for the costs they impose on others. 把计算机安全视为公共卫生和经济问题是一个比较好的方式,在这些领域内,人们为了保护自己,被强制付费给他人。